19 Year Old Male. Possible Telogen Effluvium


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I am 19 years old and have lost around 50% of hair on the top of my head in the past 10 months. It has started to become noticeable at the front. I don't have male pattern baldness and confirmed with my GP as my hairline has not receded or followed the norwood scale. From August 2015 to April 2016 I lost around 12 kg (going from 82 to 66). During this time I didn't eat a lot so I'm guessing that there was Iron, Vitamin and Protein deficiencies. From around March 2016 to Jan 2017 I lost about 150-200 hairs a day. I think that it is telogen effluvium. The shedding has now stopped but I cannot see any regrowth yet as recently I lost a lot of very fine hairs around 0.5-1 inch in length. I keep getting dandruff as well so could this stop any regrowth? My scalp has become very itchy due to the dandruff. Currently I take biotin every day. So my questions are: Will I ever grow back the hair I lost? Dandruff stopping regrowth? If it will regrow how long can it take?


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You are just lost your hair on the top of head, sides and back are fine?
Put a few pics.


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genetic related hair loss.

Nothing to do with your eating habit

hope this helps

GP might be a moron, seek another opinion


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doesn't need to follow the norwood scale. that is a classic formation of hair loss known as male pattern baldness.

there are many variants, and un-patterned types of hair loss


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No hair loss on sides and back. If it is genetic then why has it now followed the norwood scale. Here are some pics:
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did you not read what I said, there are many types of hair loss opposed to the classic male pattern baldness (norwood). A lot of people experience a variation of diffuse, and male pattern baldness (norwood)

Andrgenic alopecia
Alopecia areta
traction alopecia
retrograde alopecia
DUPA ( diffuse unpattern alopecia)

you most likely have DUPA, which would explain your patchy diffuse hair loss on top.


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You're a diffuse thinner like me, which means you will have a perfect hairline without recession but the density will be going to sh*t before you know it.


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You're a diffuse thinner like me, which means you will have a perfect hairline without recession but the density will be going to sh*t before you know it.
in other words, doomed.


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You're a diffuse thinner like me, which means you will have a perfect hairline without recession but the density will be going to sh*t before you know it.

I have stopped losing hair now for the past month (Only lose around 10-15 hairs a day max). Would there be any chance of regrowth?


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small fine hairs=miniaturised hairs getting decimated by DHT going through continually shortened growth cycles. If you want to stop hairloss you are going to need finasteride more than likely to supress DHT.


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I have stopped losing hair now for the past month (Only lose around 10-15 hairs a day max). Would there be any chance of regrowth?
I haven't heard of any diffuse thinner suddenly regrowing hair without treatment.

If you are looking for a bit of hope, I have a cousin who is a diffuse thinner and started losign hair in his early 20s but he lost hair at such a slow rate that his scalp was only visible at the age of 36.


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I have stopped losing hair now for the past month (Only lose around 10-15 hairs a day max). Would there be any chance of regrowth?
Did you regrow this hair as although i have male pattern baldness (only receding hairline) the dermatologist i saw said this could be the case as I experienced a lot of shedding between october and december last year and have a very thin patch on top right of my head but density is fine everwhere else