19 years old. Needs advice...propecia/gyno.


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For almost a year I have been cosidering propecia. It seems like the only option for saving my hair against dht but after hearing the possible side effect of gyno I have been put off it. I know the chances of gyno on most users is minimal but the fact I already have slight gynecomastia pretty much guarantees that the propecia will increase it. I don't know what to do. Part of me thinks I should try it anyway but at the end of the day if it saves my hair but results in me sporting huge pair of man tits then I'd rather just let my hair go.

I don't know what to do. Would smaller doses of propecia be suffient? or should I just resort to another less effective treatment? I have had the puffy nipples for about 3 years now (when my hair started falling), which is common amongst teenagers going through puberty but unlike most cases mine have decided to stick around. :blush: The fact I am not fat makes it even more surreal/embarassing if they were to get worse.

Any advice would be great...its so frustrating cos' I would be straight on the finasteride if it weren't for this problem.


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So you've already got that kind of nipple problem without any DHT drugs and w/o a lot of body fat either? You might wanna get your hormones checked across the board right now as a baseline.


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Yeah, I had them checked at one point but they were normal. Surely gyno is a sign of too much estrogen? but with my body hair and deep voice I'm sure that isn't the case. :dunno:

I don't know what to do. On top of this I have low ferritn levels even though my diet is good. I have been to doctors and an endocrinologist about both problems and they never seem to do anything about it, they just give me some iron pills for a month. I'm am waiting results for my recent blood test and if my iron has dropped again I'm gonna get to the bottom of this - its just takes so long to get seen.