1st Post --- Been lurking for awhile now...


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Hi all,

Just wanted to say hello as I join you in this battle to fight hairloss. I've been reading the forum since mid-June, and at that point, I decided to start a regimen in an attempt at regrowth.

I wish I would've started this earlier, but simply put, I was in denial and a bit wary of the various hairloss products out there. They either sounded too tedious (Rogaine) or scary and expensive (Propecia). However, after reading many of the posts on here, I decided to give Rogaine 5% a shot starting around July 1st. In the 3 and a half months since starting, I've noticed an increase in temple hairs which have darkened, and the development of thin vellus hairs on the crown where significant thinning had been occurring. A month ago, I purchased 5 months worth of Proscar (split into 5ths) from drugstore111.com and have been on that for 2 weeks.

I am 26 and currently about an N3. I would extremely happy if I could get back to a 2.5 or even 2 and maintain that for a period of 5 years or so. I've got a wonderful beautiful girlfriend who I've been dating now for 3 months, and sadly, I feel a bit guilty about it. I have a hairstyle in which I've let it grow a bit longer and I comb it forward and use a combination of couvre and toppik to conceal the balding areas. I've had great success with the two products, and I'd say that the outcome is rather seamless. Nobody can tell that I'm using concealers, not even my closest friends, parents, or girlfriend. Therefore, I feel a little bit like I'm keeping a secret from the world, and most importantly, my girlfriend. I suppose in time I will tell her when I have to, but I'd rather just get some regrowth and not worry about using the concealers anymore.

Well, there's my story. Just thought I'd say hello to everyone and thank you all for the advice. It's nice to have a place to come, gather information, and not feel alone.

I look forward to further discussions.

Take care.


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finasteride works out to be around $1 a day weather using proscar or propecia. that plus $10 for nizoral which will last maybe a month sounds like a pretty sweet deal to keep your hair if you ask me.


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Keep in mind that Tynan maintains his haircount by eating the grey matter of lurkers.



Good luck goingforbroke,

It should work out for you. You are taking the only proven medical treatments in the whole wide world.