1st Post, Its Long. Please Advice On Intensive Regime Alterations.

Equal Rights

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Hey everyone, so happy the admins back to accept me in here :). I really need some advice on alterations and additions to my regime which has given me side effects. I've waited, this gon be a long one.

Background: I am currently 22, receding hairline started around 16.
Didnt do anything till 20. Fixed my extreme widow's peak with a 2k draft hair transplant, and started finasteride. It seemed to start helping after 2 weeks, but after 1.5 months lost all effectiveness and I became a diffused thinner as opposed to losing only my hairline previously. Also tried topical min 5%, but was a non-responder.

After 8 months switched to Duta, 1st week had blueball pains, and no effect at all for 7months thereafter. After 7 months face became VERY bloated and my beard density halved suddenly. Went back to my high school peach fuzz. So I went back to finasteride and got desperate this summer, hence I came here. I don't "think" I got sexual sides from duta. After going back to finasteride, face slimmed down within a week, and the beard is mostly back too.

Since the start of Sep I introduced microneedling 1x/week, 5mg oral min ed, oral caster/pumpkin seed oil ed, and RU 5% 1ml ed or 0.5ml twice. At first 1ml RU gave me far from minor headaches, so I switched to 0.5ml twice which was well tolerated. After 2 weeks I "thought " the loss halted by a decent amount, but after another 2 weeks im losing a lot again. Note: I have never gotten shedding from anything even RU, the amount I am losing is very consistent and is the same as it was prior to pharma intervention.

Atm, I have weak erections, that only come once and are impossible to get again. I have been off duta for 1.5m so it could still have an effect on my system. I do not know which of these is giving me sides, but most likely RU... When I was 4 or 5 I learned the beauty of dry humping and now rarely try to masturbate otherways, also single for a year now. In other words I don't know when sexual sides started since non-sexual kicked in 7month on duta. I also get PRP every 5 weeks, and LLLT 3x/week.

What should my next steps be? I started taking 0.5mg finasteride instead of 1mg, and use 0.5ml RU twice, but since I am a diffused thinner it is hard to cover it all. Should I drop one and keep the other to see if I can recover, does using 0.5 twice instead of 1ml once reduce systemic absorption? Should I switch to topical finasteride? Or replace RU with CB? It is possible that sides come from RU being easily absorbed due to microneedling 1.5mm and PRP 4mm. Should I try to stop microneedling/PRP for a bit? My PRP nurse said that I bleed more than other meaning either blood vessels are bigger, more of, or closer to the surface which would all lead to higher systemic absorption, + 4mm is deep. I want to keep RU for 6months, and I've read here that sides persist only while you are on it. Should I add LCLT/Stemox/Seti? The hair transplant is starting to look weird boys.

I know this is long and I thank you if you got this far down. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Androgenic Alpaca

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It's suggested to not use RU after microneedling. Try using only minoxidil for the 24-48 hours after microneedling. Also, probably best to refrain a few days after PRP injections. But I'm not sure if headaches are one of the side effects of RU. I'd think minoxidil might be more likely to cause headaches due its effects on blood pressure and electrolytes, but this is speculation and I'm not a doctor.

Stemoxydine has been proven to work, but it is far weaker than minoxidil. You can add it if you want, but no big deal if you don't. I don't have experience with either LCLT or seti, but I've read other people say that seti is worthless. Don't know anything about LCLT

A 5ar inhibitor + an anti-androgen is pretty much everything you can do to prevent further hairloss, short of chemical or surgical castration. If you're losing ground on finasteride and RU, your options are pretty much losing your hair or to go to stronger stuff that will give you side effects. You can upgrade to a stronger 5ar (dutasteride, maybe at a lower or more infrequent dose) or a stronger AA (possibly taken orally, but that'll give you hella sides)

If you still lost hair on RU + dutasteride and you noticed considerable hair loss in only two weeks, its possible that you have a different type of alopecia instead of or in combination with androgenic alopecia. That's very aggressive hairloss. I'd check with a dermatologist.

Finally, completely unrelated to your hairloss, consider changing up the way you masturbate. I've heard that the dry humping method of masturbation can result in nerve damage to the penis. Just a thought. But live your life the way you want to live it.

Equal Rights

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It's suggested to not use RU after microneedling. Try using only minoxidil for the 24-48 hours after microneedling. Also, probably best to refrain a few days after PRP injections. But I'm not sure if headaches are one of the side effects of RU. I'd think minoxidil might be more likely to cause headaches due its effects on blood pressure and electrolytes, but this is speculation and I'm not a doctor.

Thanks for the advice, I don't use topicals on days of microneedling but will stop needling altogether to see the difference. Went up to 7% RU yesterday. Will try it for a couple of months, annoying that I get sexual sides from something like this though. My hairloss was the example male pattern before, I would assume its Androgenetic Alopecia, but will find a dermatologist to confirm. Weirdly enough my hair thinned a lot on the sides, starting at eye level vertically and ear level horizontally. I see that you are using estriol, how has your experience been with estrogen? any sides or results? Looking into that is worrisome considering my sides from RU.

Androgenic Alpaca

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Thanks for the advice, I don't use topicals on days of microneedling but will stop needling altogether to see the difference. Went up to 7% RU yesterday. Will try it for a couple of months, annoying that I get sexual sides from something like this though. My hairloss was the example male pattern before, I would assume its Androgenetic Alopecia, but will find a dermatologist to confirm. Weirdly enough my hair thinned a lot on the sides, starting at eye level vertically and ear level horizontally. I see that you are using estriol, how has your experience been with estrogen? any sides or results? Looking into that is worrisome considering my sides from RU.

Haven't been on estriol long enough to make any judgement about its effect on hair growth, but its made my skin amazingly soft. No sexual side effects so far. Estriol is a weak estrogen, much weaker than estradiol (the main estrogen in women) and it has less affinity for the alpha estrogen receptor, so theoretically it should have much lower side effects than estradiol, which will almost certainly have extreme sides

7% RU is very high. I'm only using 1% myself. Of course it is pretty hard to know what the best dosage is because this is a largely untested research chemical.

There shouldn't be a need to stop microneedling, just make sure the wounds have fully healed before applying topicals.