2 month update


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Since it seems like the thing to do these days, I'm gonna update you boys on how my regimen of finasteride and Nizoral is going.

It's been 2 months without a missed pill or anything, and pretty consistent Nizoral applications, I'm taking the real Propecia, so there's no question of dosage or anything. I'm happier with my hair in general than I was a couple months ago, density looks slightly better, and crown fallout has finally stopped.

I believe my regimen is doing quite nicely, because I'm noticing all kindsa new development on my crown after it had been shedding for a while, my crown is starting to come back. I can now clearly see the swirls of hair where the two spots on my crown are, so they're defined now (although still shitty, nowhere near filled in, Propecia isn't THAT miraculous), instead of being just floating bald spots. My crown shedding has stopped almost at 2 months to the day.

All over my head, I'm noticing many short hairs sprouting up all over the place, but more than 80% I would say are vellous, very hard to see unless the light catches them just right. I noticed even more than usual today, they're really really short some of them, but alot of them are becoming really long, which makes me believe they'll eventually go terminal once they've been given a cycle or two.

My temples are filling in nicely, all along the fringe of my hairline I'm getting vellous growth that is quickly turning terminal, all along the outter edge of my hairline I can see hairs that are actually thinner at the top than they are at the root, many being unpigmented at the top but pigmented at the bottom.

Nothing miraculous, but it at least gives me hope, and leads me to believe that Propecia is doing its job, but to what it extent it will do its job when all is said and done is yet to be seen. Just hoping it helps those of you who don't think Propecia is gonna do sh*t all, or it's going real slow. My progress has been slow as well, but at least something's happening in a positive direction. Keep at it :)



Experienced Member
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Good to hear you're getting good results, this is good for all the newbies who have yet to make the jump to Propecia.



This is not me being a badass but what makes you think a cycle or two will change anything. From what I understand each cycle is a cycle closer to the last cycle :)

I have heard it before but I just don´t understand the bio behind it.