2 months and very good results .

Kevin fretwell

Established Member
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For about a week now I have experienced a spurt of growth thats amazing . I have a lower hairline although its fine hair and I'm amazed that I had all those hairs still living on my old hairline .They are very fine vellus hairs right now .The vellus hairs that appeared the first month are now pigmented and looking healthier although unnaturally dark (I'm red headed) due to the minoxidil .I realize I can't quit min ever or I will loose all that hair because they are minoxidil dependant but I will drop down to 2% once old hair line has been acheived just to avoid all this skin shedding . The skin shedding is allowing the fine hairs around the hairline to break the surface so I'm tolerating it for now and wearing a hat .Well , I wore a hat all the time anyways due to pathetic head of hair .My regimen is f**cking great . I've been thuroughly thin for seven years and its great to have a little body to my small existing patch in front .Dude , I actually have body !


Kevin fretwell said:
For about a week now I have experienced a spurt of growth thats amazing ....

"waiter!, I want a bowl of what that guy is having"

Kevin fretwell

Established Member
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Well , I initially used the dutasteride/min solution every day for about two weeks just to establish a working effectiveness of dutasteride in the scalp . Its just my opinion but I believe the dutasteride halted my hairloss due to dht within a week of taking it (finasteride takes 4 months) . Of course i was already on finasteride for 7 weeks already . dutasteride is three times more potent than finasteride and lingers in the skin tissue for months so daily application is certainly not needed . I have no doubt that dutasteride can be used as a topical . taking it daily would be a waste of money and would increase chances of side effects .