2% nizoral = 2% minoxidil; Why not 5% nizoral?


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Why is there not a 5% keto shampoo. If it works like 5% minoxidil, i'm sure it'll be a big hit.

Bone Daddy

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2% nizoral has some of the helpful "properties" that minoxidil does, but not the same abilities. You can't/shouldn't use just 1-2% nizoral for hair growth. Even if you could find 5% nizoral, I suspect it would burn off, or decimate the scalp it was placed on. Some people can't even take 1% (like tynan) w/out problems.


Bone Daddy said:
2% nizoral has some of the helpful "properties" that minoxidil does, but not the same abilities. You can't/shouldn't use just 1-2% nizoral for hair growth. Even if you could find 5% nizoral, I suspect it would burn off, or decimate the scalp it was placed on. Some people can't even take 1% (like tynan) w/out problems.


I use 2% Nizoral (and of late Ketopine 2% Ketoconozole shampoo) 3-4 time a week, this makes me probably the hardest Nizoral user here and I challenge anyone to a fight.

I for one would like to see a 100% Nizoral shampoo.


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tynanW said:
cassin said:
I for one welcome our 2% Ketoconozole overlord.

I for one welcome the welcoming of our 2% Ketoconozole overlord

I for one welcome the return of Devastating Dave, The Minoxidil Slave

Bone Daddy

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I for one, think you all pour your minoxidil down your throats, instead of on your scalp.


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tynanW said:
I for one would like to see a 100% Nizoral

imagine if you got that stuff in your eye :freaked2: