2 quick questions


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is there a better time of day to take propecia, im not really consistent, but i figured ill just start taking it at midnight when i go to bed

is green tea any good, ive read conflicting reports, some saying it can be bad for hair, simple yes or no will suffice


In my book it does not really matter when you take Propecia. What I try to do though is rotate the dosage.

So if I take a dose at 12 noon for a few days and then the next day I wait until 8pm and then carry on like that for a few days. And then I could wait until 5pm etc etc.... I'm not sure if it will do any good or bad but at least I am giveing my body something to think about.

Green tea. A lot of people harp on about green tea, I even tried it for a time. I think it does have some benefit on the body but have you ever heard anyone grow there hair back drinking green tea. Nope!


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I was going to post the same exact question. I figured with as long as finasteride has been out and since so many have used it, that there might be some data on what time of day was best to take it.

Since your body does a lot of horomonal regulation at night, it might seem that it would either be good/not good, to take it before bed, etc.

Apparently it doesn't matter however.