2 week update


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20 years old, first time a friend said something to me about thinning was 18 so i guess i have been since then. it initally was noticeable in the vertex and i have a small receeded hairline and some diffuse thinning on top.
I started taking Propecia exactly 2 weeks ago. Nothing to complain about yet, some decreased libido, slight depression, and slight increased facial acne.
I am looking forward to results. My hair already "looks" better because I know I am doing something to stop this crap for a while.

Just wanted to thank everyone here for all the info that has been shared. I probably would have just ignored the problem until it was definately too late to do anything had I not stumbled across this site.
Thanks again.


sides sound normal, might yo-yo for a month or two, stick in there.

good luck