2 weeks into treatment: excessive shedding....Please help


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I'm a nineteen year old male and first started noticing hairloss a year ago. I recently decided to take the plunge and start using Propecia when after 2 weeks, to the day, I'm noticing alot of hair loss. Comparatively my hairloss is worse than before Propecia. Now, I've heard this could be a good sign, but what scares me is that the shedding is supposed to come months after first taking the pill, not weeks, from what I've read. Odd thing is, I think I'm noticing recently dormant hairs around my temples growing back. I'm terribly confused and alittle scared, is it possible I have Hypoandrogenicity? I'm not feeling any oilyness of my skin, but this "shedding" is scaring the hell out of me, any help will be greatly apprecitated.


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You're out of control.

I'll let someone else handle this since I am the first person to view you thread.


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Lorenzo_91 said:
You're out of control.

I'll let someone else handle this since I am the first person to view you thread.

That's not too helpful....On a side note, I am taking the 1mg pill.


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keep digging through the old posts here man, lots of people start their shed early, lots don't shed at all. i started shedding at about 2 weeks as well, shed hard for a month and lost like half my hair, hasn't come back yet but it's on it's way!


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I suppose I could have looked around, but I didn't think I'd find any information about shedding 2 weeks in. I guess I'm just upset and scared, I'm sure you guys can understand. I love my hair and, like anybody does when they love something, try to take care of it in anyway possible. The last thing I need is for some a**h** to come around spamming the boards offering no help what so ever, thank you for your post however, diet cola.


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no problem, just stick with your treatments. it's hard at first because your subject to sheds and impatience, and depression for that matter. i'm starting to see results after about 3 months, nothign spectacular yet but it's a light at the end of the tunnel.


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Jm0311 said:
why do people shed on finasteride? doesnt it block the dht

yeah ive been told many times by doctors that you should not shed on finasteride, but it happens to some people. it happened to me without a doubt, it was the only treatment i was on and the first thing i had ever tried. two weeks later my hair was falling out about 10 times more than ever before. could run my fingers though my hair and get 10 hairs every time...and i'm only balding at the front!


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My Regimen
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Mate, I really feel for you and know exactly what you're going through as I went through the same. If it's an consolation, the shedding will stop at some point, mine did and I'm now at a stage whereby few if any hairs fall from the top of my head when I run my hand through it. Still nowhere near baseline and seeing no regrowth but the shedding definitely stops and Im losing fewer hairs than before Istarted treatments.

If the shedding is significantly awful then maybe you could consider lowering the dosage... I cut mine to around 0.5mg a day and that seemed to help things. Also check out Dokomo's thread (I believe it's called "pretty happy so far") on the successs forum and you'll see that he aacheived some good results on 0.5mg of finasteride a day combined with minoxidil.

Anyway, keep us updated andd best of luck to you, we're all in this sh*t together! :D


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well im not shedding at all and my hair is great and thick....i hope i wouldnt shed and f*** up my hair from it