2 years post of hair transplant and finasteride but should I add minoxidil


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Hi guys,

I have been an member here for about a year now but this is my first post. I am 26 (27 in a few weeks’ time). I always had a head with thick hair until the age of 21 suddenly i lost my frontal third. This was upsetting as I was (still am) in my peak. I started to become more with drawn from social gatherings and seeing friends. To make matters even worse, in 2010 I started university and I was extremely shy. I used to rush home once classes were over. Basically I lived with my bald look from the age of 21 to 24. After graduation, I thought ‘enough is enough’. I have a huge knowledge of hair transplants and the medical aspects of hair loss; basically when my hair loss became stable I was looking into hair transplants but didn’t actually pull the trigger until nearly 3 years later.

I chose a well-known surgeon and about 3 weeks of graduating I was in that hair transplant chair. I had 2400 grafts but I actually needed more. When the doctor viewed my pics he stated I need 2400 grafts but when he saw me in person he said I needed more. The good thing is now I actually look like the way I used to look when I was 18. The doctor persuaded me to get on finasteride and I have been taking in religiously for the past 2 years.
The current debate:

I am really happy with my transplant and finasteride has worked wonders for me. I am planning for another transplant to slightly lower my hair line and fill in any weak areas. But here is the dilemma: can minoxidil help me achieve of what I am after? I am finasteride anyway and trying minoxidil maybe will benefit?
To the guys out there who use finasteride and minoxidil:

  1. How long can minoxidil hairs hair? Etc in length/ inches
  2. Applying minoxidil will it affect my transplanted hairs?
  3. Will it affect my existing hairs?
  4. If I stop minoxidil I know I expect to lose gains but what about the areas I do not apply minoxidil to; will I lose them as well as minoxidil gets in the blood stream?

My pics
: hair transplant 4.jpghair transplant 3.jpghair transplant 2.jpghair transplant 1.jpgAt peak of hair loss.jpgHair loss begins age 21.JPGAged 21.jpgAged 18.jpg

First 4: Pre-op before hair transplant. I lived 3 years of my life like this
5: Aged 24
6: Aged 21 hair loss begins
7: Aged 21
8: Aged 18


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The problems I have: I have this natural cow lick (not sure what it would be called in English terms; might be Mohawk). But this natural part of my hair always lays flat and its super thick. The problem is, my transplanted hair line is implanted above this cow lick. Making things worse, the hair line is neither rounded or like an square but more like a triangle. Thus I cannot spike my hair, side part or any other hair style apart from the frontal comb-over. I admit, the frontal comb over suits me as it gives the impression of a lower hair line but its not! I have always sported this look since secondary school years (high school days). And I feel the implanted hair line is far too high, giving me a high forehead. The lines drawn are is what i am aiming for



My Regimen
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Your hair looks pretty good in my opinion, but if you are desiring further regrowth, then yes that's your best option..If its been 2 years since hair transplant and on finasteride, then you've probably reached your peak results with those treatments.


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MIN will only work on follicles that are present...If the bald areas have no or follicles that are near the end, there really won't be that much difference in terms of density. The hair you do have look thick, I don't think those will get any thicker. Your problem appears to be lack of hair not hair thickness.


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Your hair looks pretty good in my opinion, but if you are desiring further regrowth, then yes that's your best option..If its been 2 years since hair transplant and on finasteride, then you've probably reached your peak results with those treatments.

Yes it is coming up 2 years next month. I am holding up quite well

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MIN will only work on follicles that are present...If the bald areas have no or follicles that are near the end, there really won't be that much difference in terms of density. The hair you do have look thick, I don't think those will get any thicker. Your problem appears to be lack of hair not hair thickness.

I believe you right. I desire a new hairline and I doubt min will produce that. Yes my hair is very thick; finasteride greatly helped in thickening my existing hair including the donor


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Your hair looks great and is totally age appropriate. It certainly wasn't a conservative hair transplant. I'm surprised you aren't happy with it, you don't look even remotely balding andlook infinitely better than your pre op photos. You're not 18 anymore man, and that's ok!

Wolf Pack

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There's nothing wrong with your transplant itself, you can't see the top of the scalp with that hairline so it's positioned right. But I can see why you want to lower the hairline, however that is not the answer. It's just the natural height of the forehead and perhaps face shape in general, that is not suited to the pushed up style look. That's why you're more comfortable combing it down. Even that picture of you when you were 18, you have spiked it up but also combed it down.

Lowering the hairline within the forehead area won't look great in terms of being natural.


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Your hair looks great and is totally age appropriate. It certainly wasn't a conservative hair transplant. I'm surprised you aren't happy with it, you don't look even remotely balding andlook infinitely better than your pre op photos. You're not 18 anymore man, and that's ok!

Thanks man. I am happy as it has given me my self-confidence back. But not 100% satisfied yet

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There's nothing wrong with your transplant itself, you can't see the top of the scalp with that hairline so it's positioned right. But I can see why you want to lower the hairline, however that is not the answer. It's just the natural height of the forehead and perhaps face shape in general, that is not suited to the pushed up style look. That's why you're more comfortable combing it down. Even that picture of you when you were 18, you have spiked it up but also combed it down.

Lowering the hairline within the forehead area won't look great in terms of being natural.

I believe the mid-scalp and crown thickened up due to the finasteride as I did not have grafts placed there. My mother says my face is very long and you are right; since I remember I have never had spiked up hair. This is true by looking at my childhood and teenager years. The frontal bit always laid flat. I think it runs in the family. My father is 63 and I have seen his old pics. His frontal bit was very similar to mine like my 18 year old pic. My 2 brothers have similar frontals like mine and their hair lays flat while the 3rd brother side-parts and spikes his hair up. Have no idea how he does it! But he does have a more rounder face than mine.

I think best idea would be slightly lower the hair line below the fringe and close the temples. What happens now with the current hair line, when it grows out like 5cm it tends to curl in.


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Surprised you want to go back for another transplant. Your results look perfect and nobody would ever guess you have/had male pattern baldness. Maybe it's like people who get tattoos and get addicted, always going back for more?


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Surprised you want to go back for another transplant. Your results look perfect and nobody would ever guess you have/had male pattern baldness. Maybe it's like people who get tattoos and get addicted, always going back for more?

I would not call my hair transplant perfect at all. The thing with transplants is you never know how many you need until you are satisfied or when there is equal density. My right side is spot on and perfect. Whilst the left is quite weak. Have you seen my pre-op state? I lived that way for nearly 4 years. I know I never will get them years back but I can preserve the future. It was my fault in the way; if I had extra finance with me during my first transplant then I would not had to go back for another round

Wolf Pack

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Where did u go for the transplant and cost? We are from the same city, just curious. My hair is no where as bad as yours prior to your hair transplant and I am regrowing a bit at the front.


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Don't go for another transplant. Your results are fantastic. Just get on big three. You are already on Propecia, get on minoxidil and Keto 2% and keep going. Trust me you will see even better results on minoxidil and you will save on


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So how many grafts you had transplanted, 2800 or 2400 ? Because you now look like solid NW2, and before you were NW3-4.
Nice work, where have you done it, and what was the price, you can send me a PM if you like.


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Hi, thanks. I did try keto before and it really dried my scalp out. I think minoxidil won't really benefit as I desire a new hair line.

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It was 2400.My donor is very thick and dark. Typical asian hair characteristics. I was heading towards nw5. I think I am nw3 now but the way I style my hair, I can pull off a nw2 look


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The problem is; the 2400 graft estimate was calculated from the photos I send via email. There is a big difference from viewing someone online then seeing them in person. I did not take any extra finance with me. And I was unable to achieve my desired hair line. But 2400 has given me an excellent result. No fault of the doctors; no one gives free grafts after all hair transplants is a business