
20 Years Old And Freaking Out. finasteride Not Working


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Started losing my hair probably noticably at the back end of 19. Ive always had long frizzy but thinnish hair on top and short back and sides so have always hidden my recession of the temples well but when i hit 20 and a half i decided as wind and shower began to ruin my look that it was time to take action.

Read through loads of forms and got on finasteride. Have been on it consistently for about 6 minths and im still losing about 150 hairs a day. 10/15 on pillow, 10/15 in shower EVERYDAY and then i find strays on my clothes constantly etc throughout day. Im not sure how many i used to use and having frizzy hair means strays get caught in so i think that plays a prt when i wash it in shower however when i was 17 id definiteky remember finding 10 hairs all on my hands when i gently rub shampoo in. 3 months into finasteride i realised my hair had actually been thinning for ages and i just hadnt reAlised. However i wasnt too worried because i was sure finasteride would kick in soon and save me.

Anyway fast foward 3 months and im still having excessive loss. I got on keto shampoo last month once a week and still no better results.

Ive not been to a dermatologist because im pretty sure its just male pattern baldness. My brother a year and a half older has completely the same hair loss at exactly same point in life. My dad has a full head and my mums dad too but we mustve just got unlucky. If we both have it exactly same surely cant be anything else. The main issue is from 21to 22 he thinned really badly, and im worried/expecting the same.

What sucks the most is i took the risk to geet on finasteride after hearing all the horror stories, i waa willing to take a chance and it didnt pay off when i was sure it would. I havent experienced any sides luckily but losing hair at 20 is horrible, i just want to slow down my hair loss atleast.

Tldr - been on finasteride for 6 months still losing 150+ hairs a day age 20 and thinning fast.

My questions are:

1. Did anyone else experience finasteride not workig and suddenly making a difference after 6 months?

2. Did anyone have finasteride not make a difference and then add something extra and hair loss halted

As a student dontn really want to use minoxidil because of hassle and apparent smell. Plus ive read alot of stories of ppl with irreversible thinning after using. Im not saying a categoric no but it seems most people react to finasteride instead of minoxidil aswell?

3 what can i do if it all fails.

I used to cling on to the idea that i coukd halt my hair loss get a Hair transplant at 22 - just a conservative one with minimal donor take to hide the bald spots and keep that for 5 ish years then smp the back and go full bald. But lately ive pretty much given up on tgat hope as id probably maximum have a year of success for big risks of failure n scarring.

So my next question is what can i do if it fails? Maybe smo but how obvious is SMP. It just seems not great that if you got caught out with a tattoo’d head then all id want to do would be to remove to avoud judgment so just feels like a very risky move. Looks good on people with some hair but one day im goong to be completely bald and then will it not look funny?

Hair replacEment services - ive looked i to this a lot. Id like to do a DIY system so i could still travel the workd for months at a time withot having to come home for my hair to be servviced. Has anyone ever travelled withone and how was it?

What equipment would i need to have with me to be able to do it? Like would it fill my bag with hair products etc. Does it peel off in the sea? And more importantly how obvious is it? Do some people always notice? Can a regular hair dresser fade my sides while im away too?

A LOT OF QUESTIONS i know but i really dont know what to do. Just want it all to stop and to finally not worry any more.

TLDR- finasteride for 6 months at 20 still shedding 150+ hairs. Need a solution either to stop it now or for when i go too for gone.