Doctor: So what are your symptoms, how can i help?
You: I've been on Finasteride for a couple of years for my hair loss (points to visibly thinning scalp) and i saw a commercial for that new medication called Fucbaldnexitride and I'm wondering if it would work for me?
Doctor: yes, we've been seeing a lot of patients come in after seeing that commercial...
You: So is it true, does it like actually regrow the hair on your head?
Doctor: Sure, it does (takes out prescription pad), but it can have some side effects; nausea, dry skin, hair thinning/hairloss in other parts of the body and, more rarely, fainting and suicidal thoughts
You: How long does it take for it to work? How does it work?
Doctor: Well typically patients who take 1mg of Fucbaldnexitride a day start to see results after 60 days. It works by modulating and suppressing certain immune system activities which have been known to cause Androgenetic Alopecia.
(rips prescription from prescription pad and hands it to you)
Doctor: They should have it ready at your nearby pharmacy within an hour or so. Also, you will want to phase out of the Finasteride by taking it every other day for the next 10 days and then every 3 days for the following 20 days. By then the Fucbaldnexitride will be having its effect and you won't see as many hairs fall out. Then of course you just have to wait until it starts growing in.
You: Thank you doctor
i just traveled into the future and had this conversation with my doctor - it was f*****g awesome