
21 Male, Does This Look Like male pattern baldness? Appreciate Some Second Opinions


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My Doctor just said my hair would grow back eventually, I'm not so sure, to me it looks like male pattern baldness. I started a vegan doet about a year ago around the same time I started shedding so maybe deficiencies have some thng to do with it? Also have been straightening my hair almost everyday I was 15.
Photo is right after I had a shower, I still have heaps of hair just not on the top of my head


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Definitely looks like male pattern baldness to me, probably with diffuse thinning on top. I had longer hair until recently and I couldn't tell just how diffuse it was because of how long it was but once I cut it I saw how thin it had gotten. Take some supplements to make up for your vegan diet if you want. I would definitely start treatment, minoxidil and finasteride asap. I would also easy off straightening your hair or stop all together since all that heat and pulling from the iron can put stress on your follicles and cause them to become weaker or fall out.


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So it's safe to assume it will probably never grow back? And even if I get it treated won't be the same?


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your hair can grow back. As i said every problem comes up with a solution. there are several products to grow your hair back and it will surely be the same. Don't loose hope.

Any recommendations besides finasteride and minoxidil or are they the two main ones?


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first of all , am against the use of these drugs. their side effects are actually very dangerous. I prefer natural remedies . So there are many remedies which gives extreme results. So its better to go natural.

Sorry to keep picking your brain but have you used any natural remedies that worked for you? Theres a whole heap and im just exploring my options


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Any recommendations besides finasteride and minoxidil or are they the two main ones?

This is exactly what I would suggest you go on. I know nothing about natural remedies, maybe they work for some.... I've no idea, but I do know that these can work. Not everyone will suffer from side effects.


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finasteride/minoxidil/keto shampoo will likely regrow it all within 1-2 years or less.


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Yeah JohnOKelly
But you can't give any assurance that who will suffer from its side effects and who will not. Right? That just means anyone who is ready to use these drugs, can use it on their own risk. Nobody will be responsible if it affects adversely on your body or health.

Unfortunately no, I can't assure anybody. We do try these things at our own risk and have to decide for ourselves if the risk outweighs the potential benefits.


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Have you tried them? If so how were they for you?

I have, you can see what I take in my regimen. I've been on finasteride and minoxidil over 10 years. No sides apart from watery semen which I don't care about. I do wish I jumped on the treatments when I first noticed the problem, but I waited a couple of years out of fear.


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Oh right yeah im new to the page, did you have the initial shedding after taking finasteride? Also is your hair different from what it used to be?

Cheers I may get on that


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Oh right yeah im new to the page, did you have the initial shedding after taking finasteride? Also is your hair different from what it used to be?

Cheers I may get on that

I don't recall having any shedding. I believe I have lost ground now, which is why I added Dutas 2x per week to see if that makes a difference. I would most likely be worse off if I hadn't jumped on finasteride though.


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Yes .. it does not hurt to take finasteride .. i am only 2 months in finasteride with thinning hair spread, until now i still take it .. i do not feel any side effects until now