Are you suggesting I get a hair transplant? I thought surgeons usually don’t perform them until later on when hairloss becomes much more agressive.
Okay, should i not bother taking finasteride then?He’s being sarcastic, your hair is fine
Okay, should i not bother taking finasteride then?
Your only option is hair transplant.
Hello all,
I am a 21 year old male and have been noticing thinning around my temples over the course of the past few years, starting since about 18. Otherwise, my hair in the crown area is strong as is the overall quality of my hair.
No one in my family has gone bald at a young age and some of my family members, such as my grandfather, have a full head of hair going 70+.
Does it seem like I am starting to show traits of male pattern baldness, or does it seem like my hairline is simply maturing? I already know, finasteride is the only solution atm, just want to confirm if i am truly experiencing male pattern baldness before starting medication.
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