21 years old.. no genetic male pattern baldness and a couple questions


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Hi. I just recently turned 21 years old. My question is for the last year or year and a half I been losing my hair. There is no genetic male pattern baldness in either side and it has been really frustrating for me. I got a scalp biopsy last year which revealed DERMOTOPHYTES in my scalp. This fungus the dr said was the reason and he prescribed LAMISIL for 3 weeks. I thought this was kinda small timeframe but i went along with it. It is now 6 months later and i do not see any change. IM awaiting my results of the 2nd biopsy this weekend as my scalp is scaling again is kind of inflammed. I also took accutane for 2 weeks last year but it got rid of the acne quickly so i stopped. My hair texture has changed dramatically and im wondering if anyone can help me as to a solution. I lose well over 100 hairs a day from all over my head and just curious to anyones comments//// suggestions.


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hey im no expert and i don't use this product myself yet (out of stock at stores) but try using nizoral.

alot of people recommended this shampoo as a must for keeping the scalp anti inflammatory. i bought neutrogena t-gel and it serves a similar purpose. try rotating these 2 shampoos during the week and see if it gets any better. good luck


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it is possible for someone with no genetic history of male pattern baldness to have male pattern baldness, this information was provided by a dermatologist so im gonna beleive it.


gonna_win said:
it is possible for someone with no genetic history of male pattern baldness to have male pattern baldness, this information was provided by a dermatologist so im gonna beleive it.

Besides genes can be dormant so there is no way to be sure.

Still if they said fungus then it´s fungus.