22 and Shedding fast


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I'm a 22 year old male, soon to be 23. I noticed that my hair line will start to reced when i was 19, but during almost 4 years it has been receding only slightly. It's there but it hasn't been progressing fast.

Now a month and a half ago i notice that my hair didn't have much volume and that i was lossing a lot of hair in the shower. I didn't think of it much because i was out of the country for 3 months and had just gotten back home and thought the shampoo at home just didn't give me as much volume. But two weeks passed and i noticed that the hair shedding isn't stopping. Now 6 weeks later i can see my scalp through my hair and the hair is still shedding. In 2 months i have lost soo much hair and it's so visible. And it's diffuse hair loss all over the scalp except the back and sides. Now when pull slightly on the back and sides hair comes out there too, also when rubing my hand through it. But when you look at my scalp i looks like only the top thins.

I went to a dermatologist and she said there is no way i had lost that much hair in that short of a time frame. But i have photos and i know how my hair felt, since i knew it was receding a bit i was paranoid about it and would often fix my hair, so i knew the volume of my hair. Then i when to a very good hair specialist and he pulled my hair for all sides and it came out of all sides.

Now this summer i was working all the time 12-13 hours a day, getting every day up at 5 o'clock getting very little sleep, working physical work in the sun for 90 days with no day off. Durring which i got sick and worked for like 10 days with a fever and heavy, heavy back pain. It sucked a lot. And i would imagine that a high fever plus sun will raise your body temperature quite a bit. It was also very stressful cause i was in a lot of pain, but I kept going saying pain is temporary.

The hair specialist said i have male pattern baldness, but it's only slightly and he thinks this is Telogen effluvium, but he's going to need to run a test next week and told me not to wash or brush my hair for 4 days before the test. Does anyone know what kind of test this is? He didn't get to explain as he was in quite of bit of a hurry.

Does anyone here think this hair shedding thining could be Telogen Effluvium, due to the fever and heavy stress those 10 days?

Because the sides of my forehead where the small recesion started, have been shedding at the same pace as the rest of the scalp, no more no less. So they have not receded. If it's male pattern baldness i went from small recesion for 4 years to a very thin head of norwood 7 in like 3-4 months if this shedding goes on.

Someone please give me some advice, cause i feel i'm gonna go completly bald in a few months at this pace.

Thanks upfront


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if all the hairs you shed are the same size, it's probably Telogen Effluvium, if not you're probably losing your hair and need to get on something.


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It was Telogen Effluvium. I lost like over 60% of my hair in a month.

But it came back. Looks about the same now.

I still have male pattern baldness but it's in it's early stages and I'm using Nizoral and Rogaine since this happened, so I'm trying to do something.

This was very stressful, since everyone I talk to about didn't think I had Telogen Effluvium because it's rare. Even 2 doctors told me that it wasn't Telogen Effluvium and didn't trust what I told them. Thank god for the internet, these days you can easily do your own research.


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The only things that are slowing mines down are Nizoral 2% every 3 days. And MSM internally 2000-3000 mg daily (half morn half night). I've gone from around 200 hairs daily to 50-80 hairs daily.

The more I do the Nizoral and up the MSM to what it is now the less hair loss. The other day I only lost 10 hairs. Another random day only 30 hairs. It may go back up but I'm hoping it stabilizes to that consistently. Then I'll work on regrowth.

This is from a person who's parent has male pattern baldness and is a Norwood 7 at the age of 70 yrs old.

Also use an anti androgen lowest dosage and 2 saw palmetto capsules a day.