22 Years Old And Balding, Need Advice


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I’ve been lurking this site for about 8 months now and just want some advice on how to approach my hair loss and to see some opinions on the extent of my hair loss. I’m 22 and first noticed hairloss when I was 21 and a half.

My hair loss started(well, when I first noticed it) June 2018, when I noticed that my temples had receded quite a bit. Ever since then I have been paranoid and it has taken over my whole life. From then on, the front hairline has slowly thinned out and I know it’s only a matter of time before it moves back further. I do not have a big family history of hair loss at all. All males in my family still have hair. My father is 53 and has receded quite a bit to maybe a NW3 but it is barely noticeable and he hides it well with with volume. Both of my grandparents still have hair and are in their seventies. My older brothers temples have receded slightly but not as bad as mine (I will attach the only two photos I have of my father and brother) My mother is approaching the menopause stage and has slightly thinned out.

Last month I visited a trichologist who did an evaluation. Surprisingly the pull test failed and then she used a digital derma scope which showed lots of follicles producing healthy multiple hairs and found a very little amount of empty follicles. (I was genuinely shocked) anyway, she believes that I will recede further like my father, however, I just can’t seem to understand this as in my opinion and through my own research my hair is a lot worse than she suggested. I kind of felt like she did not know what she was talking about and I had wasted over a hundred pounds of my money. She did suggest to try nanoxidll in the future when I am ready though. And also suggested that I have maybe developed BDD (do not agree)

My family, friends and girlfriend all tell me to stop going on about my hair and that I’m over reacting. Multiple hairdressers have told me I think it is worse than it is but photos beg to differ.

For the moment, I have whole heartedly decided against propecia for several reasons. One being that I am approaching my last year of university and can not afford to get any side effects such as brain fog etc, I have also suffered from pretty bad depression when I was 18 and would not want to return to that state of mind (although my hair loss has effected that). For the past few months I have been considering trying nanoxidll/minoxidil and have looked into dermarolling and other vitamins and supplements.

I was just wondering what would be the best regime to go for without trying propecia? I honestly would just like to hold on to my hair until I am at least 30, when I have my career up and running, and married with kids. I do not think I could deal with being bald in my twenties. I’m not a particularly good looking guy and I have pointy features, big nose, big ears and a weak jaw. I would undeniably look hideous with a bald head. I know there a lot worse things going on in the world and I feel like I sound pathetic going on about it but it has been getting in the way of my happiness for almost a year now.

I apologise for the long post and would appreciate any advice or opinions on my current situation. I have accepted that without treatment of some sort I will go bald in the near future.
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The first photo is my dad when he was 26, the second is when he is 53 and the third is my brothers hairline


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The first two photos are the very first photos I took in June when I realised I had receded

The next photo is my original hairline before I started balding

The next ones are just general photos of my loss

And the last set shows my crown in September and then my crown in the past few weeks, has it thinned out? I’m still not sure about this


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Apologise once again for the long post and the amount of photos, still not entirely sure how to work this forum


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You still have plenty of hair. Wouldn't even know you hairline is just maturing a bit or it's Androgenetic Alopecia. You can always try minoxidil if you're that anxious, but you'll have to stick to it until something else comes along.


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You still have plenty of hair. Wouldn't even know you hairline is just maturing a bit or it's Androgenetic Alopecia. You can always try minoxidil if you're that anxious, but you'll have to stick to it until something else comes along.
Do you not think it has gone beyond that point? Feel like my temples are continuing to thin as well. I’ve ordered myself some minoxidil and began dermastamping on Thursday there


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Looking at the photo's again I would say your hairline is receding. I mainly looked at the first 4 photos of the second post at first, sorry for the confusion. But the photos with the 'red sweater' does seem to indicate a progressive loss of hair. Still, not severely, plenty of hair left and it doesn't <look> like you're balding.

Minoxidil is a good starting point. I personally don't do dermastamping because I feel it interferes with my minoxidil regime and unhygienic practice may severely impact your health. But if you feel it might help, you can try it out.

Not sure if I would start DHT blockers. Take pictures of your temples, each month or so. If it gets worse (in your case it can also be minoxidil shed) you can ask your doctor to prescribe them.