22 Years Old New To This. Need Advice


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Hi everyone, long story short, my male pattern baldness is extremely aggressive. I went from someone mentioning my thinning crown a few months ago to being extremely diffused in only 2 months time. At this rate I’ll be bald by next year. Surprisingly, my longer hair has covered a lot of the damage so I’m thinking I should switch over to a hair system soon but I’m worried if people are going to notice the difference.

Here are some things I’d like to ask you guys.

- How did you make the transition? I’d love to hear personal stories to give me the push.

- How customizable are they? Will they be able to give match my hair quality and style if I show them pictures?

- What about paranoia of girls touching your hair or having sex? Is it really going to be 100% detectable?

- How difficult was it to learn how to proper maintain and put on the system? I’d rather learn how to do this all myself without having to go somewhere.

Anything else you’d like to add would be great.


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I posted my little journey earlier, firstly are you using fibres to cover any of the thinning? You don't need to be worried or anxious about it, I haven't told anyone and nobody has noticed.

- Went from caking my hair with fibres to booking an appointment to get advice then getting the hair system fitted

- Very, I can't vouch for online purchases however

- I wouldn't worry about the paranoia of girls touching hair, i had been using hair fibres for 3/4 years without issue with multiple girls, with a hair system your hair will be dense so unless they have a fetish of scraping your scalp you'll be fine. I've always worked my hair in the past & now with product, i now wear my hair a little messy on top with grade 1 on the side, not detectable unless someone actually spent time and knew what they were looking for. For me to wake up in the morning and not leave a trail of black primary school paint powder all over the place is great.

- Can't answer, but the salon i went to was very professional, I was seen in a private room and the work was also carried out in private also

A custom hair piece is what i purchased which was tailored to my needs, that took 8 weeks to make. The barber at the salon wears a system himself and told me he got his fitted first professionally then attached it himself afterwards.

Final piece would be to say a lot of people have worries about systems and there's a lot of bad stigma about it, i've read previous posts where people are jumping in and saying that you'll always be checking it etc, always paranoid, will it just come off if the wind blows. It's all a load of nonsense to put it politely, depending on the strength of the bond and what you use it'll stick on your head and you won't need to worry about it.

Hope that helps.


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Thanks a lot for the response. I live near NYC so I’m sure I can find a good place over there to style it. This is how my hair looks now. I’d like to try to keep it similar to this because I don’t want anyone to notice a difference. Do you think that’s possible considering how wavy it is?

I do use toppik but my hair is so flat now on top (literally NO density) that it does little to cover the situation.

How old were you when you started wearing?

Aren’t you worried about how detectable the hairline is to the touch? Since I have my hair down like this I’m not worried about the edge showing but girls always liked to play with my hair and that’s really preventing me from following through.

Also here’s a crown pic and me moving my hair so you can see how diffused I am before someone tells me I have a full head of hair


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If you were me I'd go for a shorter haircut with the hair system so people will be commentating on a shorter cut they won't notice anything in particular. I've got pretty straight hair but i'm sure being wavy won't make a difference.

Started a month ago at 36, wish i did it last year.

I've never let girls play with my hair so can't help you there bud but i know I'd rather they ran their hand over my hair with a hair piece then accumulate fibre in between their fingers


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Yours looks great man! Was that a similar style to what you had before?


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Longer, if i sweep it down it's touching my eyebrows at the longest point, but i can wear it messy on top and have it short on sides, flick it up a touch over to one side. Before was about an inch and half long so had to use fibres on the sides of my hair line and loads on the crown.


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Here is my personal experience with hair system.

#1 I have completely bald crown & to cover it, I am using full lace hair system from couple of months. I think, transition depends on the quality of hair system you have purchased and also the kind of support you get from supplier. For first 2 applications, I went to a salon but later got the hang of it. My hair system supplier also provided me application videos & guides to help me out. The new people I meet in my sales job cannot tell if I'm wearing a hair system. My family of course knows.

#2 Very customizable if you buy from the right supplier. I would recommend going for the ones which are customized according to your need. Base size, hair density, hair length, hair color, hair type, gray hair, and so on matter a lot. I sent bald area pictures to my hair system supplier and they matched it exactly. The color, styling, and density were just perfect.

#3 I don't let girls touch my hair and act sensitive about them. So, they kinda stay away from them :D But my hair systems is very undetectable. I go for a swim in it and even sleep wearing it. My nephew touches my hair sometimes and she has never said they look fishy!

#4 Hair system does not need a professional hairdresser to put on, you can do yourself after understanding the process of course. Buy from someone who will guide you with application until you get it right. What hair system needs is care to maintain is quality. You can maintain (clean, condition and shampoo) it on your own.

You are new to hair system. So for the first time you put on a hair system, it will take some time. So I suggest you to take help of hairdresser for the first time and try to do it on your own later. The hair system buying process is also something of a challenge. If you will be ordering online, taking measurements will sound like rocket science. But with some effort, you will be able to do it.



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Here is my personal experience with hair system.

#1 I have completely bald crown & to cover it, I am using full lace hair system from couple of months. I think, transition depends on the quality of hair system you have purchased and also the kind of support you get from supplier. For first 2 applications, I went to a salon but later got the hang of it. My hair system supplier also provided me application videos & guides to help me out. The new people I meet in my sales job cannot tell if I'm wearing a hair system. My family of course knows.

#2 Very customizable if you buy from the right supplier. I would recommend going for the ones which are customized according to your need. Base size, hair density, hair length, hair color, hair type, gray hair, and so on matter a lot. I sent bald area pictures to my hair system supplier and they matched it exactly. The color, styling, and density were just perfect.

#3 I don't let girls touch my hair and act sensitive about them. So, they kinda stay away from them :D But my hair systems is very undetectable. I go for a swim in it and even sleep wearing it. My nephew touches my hair sometimes and she has never said they look fishy!

#4 Hair system does not need a professional hairdresser to put on, you can do yourself after understanding the process of course. Buy from someone who will guide you with application until you get it right. What hair system needs is care to maintain is quality. You can maintain (clean, condition and shampoo) it on your own.

You are new to hair system. So for the first time you put on a hair system, it will take some time. So I suggest you to take help of hairdresser for the first time and try to do it on your own later. The hair system buying process is also something of a challenge. If you will be ordering online, taking measurements will sound like rocket science. But with some effort, you will be able to do it.

Thanks for your input. I’m curious, if you just have a bald crown, why don’t you use a partial crown piece?

Heinrich Harrer

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Thanks a lot for the response. I live near NYC so I’m sure I can find a good place over there to style it. This is how my hair looks now. I’d like to try to keep it similar to this because I don’t want anyone to notice a difference. Do you think that’s possible considering how wavy it is?

I do use toppik but my hair is so flat now on top (literally NO density) that it does little to cover the situation.

How old were you when you started wearing?

Aren’t you worried about how detectable the hairline is to the touch? Since I have my hair down like this I’m not worried about the edge showing but girls always liked to play with my hair and that’s really preventing me from following through.

Also here’s a crown pic and me moving my hair so you can see how diffused I am before someone tells me I have a full head of hair

Change to a short haircut, your current one is terrible. Don’t you dare put on a hairpiece. I have a moral obligation to warn you because I put one at 19 with a diffuse NW3. Just don’t. You will kill your hair, develop skin problems and eventually you will take it off and THAT is when sh*t happens, not before. There is no human being on your age who will accept that they met you with a full head of hair and then one day last year they have to go out with you looking bald. You lied to them for a year.

Believe me, don’t. Take a breath, cut them short, with age your forehead and face changes to a smaller frame anyways, it won’t be as bad as it is now. Try growing a beard, if no chin go have dental surgery (extenders, braces and so on), you will do fine.

Don’t. Put on. A hairpiece.

FYI: in a magical world where super micro laces and amazing 3D printed hair follicles existed, without the need of glue or change every 4 weeks or glue leaking out due to heat, yes. I’d put on one too. Not against the concept but strongly against its current state. It’s a trap.


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Change to a short haircut, your current one is terrible. Don’t you dare put on a hairpiece. I have a moral obligation to warn you because I put one at 19 with a diffuse NW3. Just don’t. You will kill your hair, develop skin problems and eventually you will take it off and THAT is when sh*t happens, not before. There is no human being on your age who will accept that they met you with a full head of hair and then one day last year they have to go out with you looking bald. You lied to them for a year.

Believe me, don’t. Take a breath, cut them short, with age your forehead and face changes to a smaller frame anyways, it won’t be as bad as it is now. Try growing a beard, if no chin go have dental surgery (extenders, braces and so on), you will do fine.

Don’t. Put on. A hairpiece.

FYI: in a magical world where super micro laces and amazing 3D printed hair follicles existed, without the need of glue or change every 4 weeks or glue leaking out due to heat, yes. I’d put on one too. Not against the concept but strongly against its current state. It’s a trap.
I have recently got a haircut, my thinning is getting worse by the day and I can’t go on as a bald guy because the back of my head is completely flat (an actual deformity called plagiocephaly). I understand how difficult it is to wear a hair system but I’ve already limited my life to an extreme without it. A month ago my hair loss was concealable and now it is completely apparent but I’ve worn a hat for the past few weeks (and also distanced myself from everyone). I’m at a breaking point now where I know I’ll never except being bald, especially at my young age.

I’ve spoken to a few wearers my age who are happy with their decision. Why didn’t it work for you?


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Thanks for your input. I’m curious, if you just have a bald crown, why don’t you use a partial crown piece?
Hey, since I am completely bald a partial crown piece won't suffice. I use full lace hair system which is totally undetectable and works great for me. I bought it from Lordhair.


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Change to a short haircut, your current one is terrible. Don’t you dare put on a hairpiece. I have a moral obligation to warn you because I put one at 19 with a diffuse NW3. Just don’t. You will kill your hair, develop skin problems and eventually you will take it off and THAT is when sh*t happens, not before. There is no human being on your age who will accept that they met you with a full head of hair and then one day last year they have to go out with you looking bald. You lied to them for a year.

Believe me, don’t. Take a breath, cut them short, with age your forehead and face changes to a smaller frame anyways, it won’t be as bad as it is now. Try growing a beard, if no chin go have dental surgery (extenders, braces and so on), you will do fine.

Don’t. Put on. A hairpiece.

FYI: in a magical world where super micro laces and amazing 3D printed hair follicles existed, without the need of glue or change every 4 weeks or glue leaking out due to heat, yes. I’d put on one too. Not against the concept but strongly against its current state. It’s a trap.

I think you're exaggerating a little mate .

First let me say that I have discouraged the OP from getting a system as I think in his situation there are better ways to handle his thinning. But it's his choice in the end and tbh a little crown piece would put him at ease. I've been wearing for about 3/4 of a year I'd say and I've had very little issue .in the beginning my scalp was a little sore and got reddish when redoing hairline and such but that has stopped . Sometimes I see its a little dry under there when I do maintenance but I remove the flakes and clean and it's not an issue .sometimes I'll put a little moisturizer cream on my scalp for a little if it really is dry .

About glue seepage. If you do your maintenance and use the right products, it's very minor and nothing a hairline touch up can't solve. Now he would have a crown piece and if it's all lace then I'd advise he uses tape .for ultimate undetectable you'll use glue and will just have to maintain more often .

And honestly, who the heck wants a beard if you're bald .I'm sorry, it just doesn't do it for me, no offence to anyone bald and with a beard. The two just don't equate one another in my eyes .

Heinrich Harrer

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I think you're exaggerating a little mate .

First let me say that I have discouraged the OP from getting a system as I think in his situation there are better ways to handle his thinning. But it's his choice in the end and tbh a little crown piece would put him at ease. I've been wearing for about 3/4 of a year I'd say and I've had very little issue .in the beginning my scalp was a little sore and got reddish when redoing hairline and such but that has stopped . Sometimes I see its a little dry under there when I do maintenance but I remove the flakes and clean and it's not an issue .sometimes I'll put a little moisturizer cream on my scalp for a little if it really is dry .

About glue seepage. If you do your maintenance and use the right products, it's very minor and nothing a hairline touch up can't solve. Now he would have a crown piece and if it's all lace then I'd advise he uses tape .for ultimate undetectable you'll use glue and will just have to maintain more often .

And honestly, who the heck wants a beard if you're bald .I'm sorry, it just doesn't do it for me, no offence to anyone bald and with a beard. The two just don't equate one another in my eyes .

That reddish part is the start of a horrible dermatitis and it’s because of the glue, heat and sweat, which is why you will mostly get it on the front line of the lace. Then your sides and back will start flaking but oddly enough not under the lace. Then once you realize you can’t really have fun with a piece of glued synthetic crap on your head, it will be too late because now everyone knows you as a Norwood 1. Two choices: take it off and flee to another country for a year and come back with a story OR cut down the lace every few months and go back a Norwood until it’s time to take it off. Sometimes I miss how it felt when I had my piece on. And mine was sick, it wasn’t too much or thick af, it was tailored nicely. I felt like “finally oofff”, so that feeling they say about having hair back is true. But I know it’s a trap by now. Unless you’re gay, in fashion circles or 60 with kids, don’t try it. I can’t possibly agree with you, sorry I’m being such a bringer of bad vibe but it’s the truth.


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That reddish part is the start of a horrible dermatitis and it’s because of the glue, heat and sweat, which is why you will mostly get it on the front line of the lace. Then your sides and back will start flaking but oddly enough not under the lace. Then once you realize you can’t really have fun with a piece of glued synthetic crap on your head, it will be too late because now everyone knows you as a Norwood 1. Two choices: take it off and flee to another country for a year and come back with a story OR cut down the lace every few months and go back a Norwood until it’s time to take it off. Sometimes I miss how it felt when I had my piece on. And mine was sick, it wasn’t too much or thick af, it was tailored nicely. I felt like “finally oofff”, so that feeling they say about having hair back is true. But I know it’s a trap by now. Unless you’re gay, in fashion circles or 60 with kids, don’t try it. I can’t possibly agree with you, sorry I’m being such a bringer of bad vibe but it’s the truth.

Unless you're gay, in fashion circles, or 60 with kids.... Interesting .

Just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean its ineffective for others .

You're posting like you know exactly step by step what's going to happen and when, when in reality, like me, only know about your own situation .

I don't have that redness anymore, so the dermatitis you diagnosed me with is not an issue .The flaking is dry skin due to the alcohol use, and is not on my sides and back of my natural hair .

If yours was tailored so nicely you'll know that wearing isn't a huge deal as people think. Did you not swim? Ill tell you I never swam before because I didn't want my toppik to wash out .

Define real fun . Are you referring to sex? ive had no issue in that department .

I work out, go out with friends, have been on vacation to a hot tropical country. No issues.

Anyways, my point here is its one thing to highlight the flaws with systems, like anything .but it's another to sprew utter nonsense, complete with sweeping statements.


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Unless you're gay, in fashion circles, or 60 with kids.... Interesting .

Just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean its ineffective for others .

You're posting like you know exactly step by step what's going to happen and when, when in reality, like me, only know about your own situation .

I don't have that redness anymore, so the dermatitis you diagnosed me with is not an issue .The flaking is dry skin due to the alcohol use, and is not on my sides and back of my natural hair .

If yours was tailored so nicely you'll know that wearing isn't a huge deal as people think. Did you not swim? Ill tell you I never swam before because I didn't want my toppik to wash out .

Define real fun . Are you referring to sex? ive had no issue in that department .

I work out, go out with friends, have been on vacation to a hot tropical country. No issues.

Anyways, my point here is its one thing to highlight the flaws with systems, like anything .but it's another to sprew utter nonsense, complete with sweeping statements.
Yeah I don’t know Heinrich, I’ve spoken to a few young wearers and it seems to have improved most of their lives. It didn’t work for you at the time, but I saw a post where you said you may pick it back up again. So wtf bro?


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Sorry for hijacking your thread, I'm a newbie also and have couple questions which may be useful.

1 - What type of hair is the best? Asian, European, other?
2 - I heard that it's better to stick to bang fringe, it helps to hide hairline, so that you can tape your hairline and that should dramatically simplify maintenance, plus not using of styling gels, waxes will greatly contribute to the system durability. Is that true?
3 - Are there any kind of special products which could be ordered only in hair replacement salons? Or it's possible to buy everything necessary locally?

I also was browsing several Instagrams of guys who started to wear systems. Looks like the majority of them are much happier now. BTW, one of them was thick NW3.


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hi Simon

1 - What type of hair is the best? Asian, European, other?

The best is the hair from your own ethnic group, but some types are much more widely available and therefore much cheaper than others. Most of the better quality systems sold to Westerners are made with Indian sourced hair, which is processed to make it more Western-looking. The cheaper systems are made with Chinese hair, which is coarser and gives a less satisfactory result. Real European hair is available, but substantially more expensive. Personally I find the Indian hair works fine.

2 - I heard that it's better to stick to bang fringe, it helps to hide hairline, so that you can tape your hairline and that should dramatically simplify maintenance, plus not using of styling gels, waxes will greatly contribute to the system durability. Is that true?

Definitely having a covered or partly covered hairline makes life easier, particularly at the start. Getting a perfect hairline is the thing most newbies find hardest, although they get there in the end. Styling products by themselves don't do any harm, but over-washing the system does shorten its life, so I suppose indirectly you are right.

3 - Are there any kind of special products which could be ordered only in hair replacement salons? Or it's possible to buy everything necessary locally?

Between your local supermarket/pharmacy and the internet I think you can get everything you need.


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@Noah thank you very much! Very helpful response.

Couple more questions If you don't mind.

- About over-washing. How often do you wash your system usually?
- Do you use any special shampoos? If so, which ones? (sulfate free?)
- Are there any hair greasiness issues? Like after sleeping.


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Simon, sorry I missed your Qs

- About over-washing. How often do you wash your system usually?

Once a week with shampoo is enough. System hair doesn't get dirty like natural hair, because it doesn't have sebaceous glands pumping oil onto it. The rest of the time (e.g. after a workout) just wash your natural sidehair and let the warm water run through the system and the lace base. That is enough to keep the system and your scalp in good condition.

- Do you use any special shampoos? If so, which ones? (sulfate free?)

Any mild shampoo "for damaged or processed hair" is fine.

- Are there any hair greasiness issues? Like after sleeping.

Not that I have noticed.