
23 How Bad Does My Hairline Look? Stressed


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Hair aside, you really gotta take care of your skin mate.

I'm 80% sure it's due to my Whey protein consumption. 4 scoops a day for a year is not healthy. I'm trying a vegan one and seeing if I see improvements.


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I have a big head to and that makes it looks worse. Looking back my forehead has always been large. (Left temple).

More pics:

I have chronic OCD, which has made this a nightmare obsession for me. Should I go talk to my doctor about Finesteride? I cant grow a beard, so my hair is all I got going for me.

What is your family history like? The temples are receding a little, what about the top?


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What is your family history like? The temples are receding a little, what about the top?

Here some top pics. My family history is ok. My cousins and uncle all have full heads of hair (on my moms side). My dad receded into a nw3 (maybe into his thirties) and it's stayed fairly close to that until now (he's 68). My uncle had a slightly higher hairline but seemed to have a decent head of hair. My hair has always been abdnormally thick, so it caught me off guard when my temple went back a bit.


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I'm going to the doctor Tommorow to get a blood test done, should I ask him about finasteride?

Honestly I think my hormones are messed regardless. I can't remember the last time I got morning wood, and every time I masturbate it's forced (like a chore) with very little semen.

My diet is awful: 4 scoops of whey with oats, and Greek yogurt is what I eat everyday. I have little to no variance in my diet, so it will be interesteting to see what my micros are looking like.

It's possible my hair has thinned just from my diet, but what's the final verdict on my hairline? How concerned should I be?


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It's possible but REALLY unlikely. You really need to start looking after yourself more. Your hair actually looks good, but considering you're 23 and still have moderate acne, I'd consider a lifestyle change. You don't want acne scars and blemishes.