23 YO and losing from the front - hairline DESTROYED! Hair transplant?? pics


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Hi all,

It's been a long time since I last posted on here. I'm 23 and rapidly losing my hair. I have taken finasteride since I was 18 and dutasteride for over a year but to little avail.

I am losing hair from my 'hairline' fast - if you can even call it a hairline any more! One side of my head recedes far more than the other and I am losing hair from my hairline from the front in the middle which seems a strange way to be balding! It is now very obvious regardless of how I style my hair.

I'm wondering whether anyone has experienced the same and / or whether anyone did a hair transplant at a young age? If I could straighten out my hairline even for just a year it would make me fair happier!

Pics below

Any advice?


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hey man im in the exact same position as you. I've been on finasteride and min since 19 but my forelock or whatever you wanna call it is about to give up completely. It's really weird to lose it in the front like that, it makes it harder to hide it...My advice to you is: keep up the fight with min and finasteride, maybe go for a buzz or even a shaved head for a couple of years and then consider a transplant when you're a bit older.

I know its tempting to get it done now, ive been thinking about it to, but its not a smart move.


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I don't know how it looked before, but it doesn't look that bad man! People always judge themselves more harshly than others. Just put some product in and comb your bangs over a little to hide the thinning part. Maybe try some min


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Your hair looks fine.

I think your hair looks better in the two pics where it isn't combed forward. You have an attractive mature hairline and don't need to worry about covering it up. I doubt anyone else notices that it is slightly uneven or would even consider you balding.

You still have a ways to go before considering a transplant. If you want some immediate help, try some minoxidil, but your hair doesn't look that bad right now.