23m: finasteride, Min, nizoral, Testosterone, Nolva?


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Hey Everyone,

First time posting, so please bare with me, but I'll keep it short!

I started my first cycle on June 12th, 2018. I was taking Test E @ 500mgs/week and Arimidex @ 0.5mgs E3D. I ran the cycle initially for 12 weeks, but extended it to 16. I also took Anavar @ 40-50mgs for the last 6 weeks. I then stopped my cycle and started a "cruise" of 250mgs/week (YES, I know this isn't even close to cruise dose, I was stupid). Anyways, I stopped "cruising" almost 3 weeks ago (this Monday will be 3 weeks). Once I stopped my actual cycle, I began to diffuse thin. I didn't do anything, but as of April 2nd, I started finasteride @ 1.25mgs everyday and nizoral @ once a week. I added Min the last week of April @ 1-2 times a day.

Here's my issue. I'm not performing the way I'd want to. I can get it up and do whatever it is when I'm with someone, but I no longer wake up with anything. My balls feel like they haven't dropped and I don't get excited the way I used to (lol). Of course some has to do with finasteride, but I'm sure most of it has to do with me not being on Test anymore. So my question is, I have Nolva on hand. Should I started a PCT or wait for myself to bounce back naturally? I know Nolva will help, but I'm worried it'll cause more hair loss. The Test and Arimidex I was taking really messed with my hair, I don't want Nolva to do the same. I know this isn't a steroid forum, but I hope someone has background information on it and can help me out.



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dude if ur balding at 23 from test you can never do another cycle again unless you incldue some legit topical AAs not bs like ru

chances are your test still hasnt fully rebounded if its been only 3 weeks. I would do 20mg nolva ED for 10 days and reevaluate. Hopefully you can stabalize your hairloss afterwards and stay on finasteride for anotehr 1-2 months and come off hoping that your natural male pattern baldness wont kick in till laster like 27ish. There is a slight possibility of that