24 Years old, need your advice


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Hey guys,

I've been a lurker here for a while. I'm 24 today, I came to the conclusion that I'm losing hair when I was about 21, only in the temples. I started using the big three around 16 months ago with solid results. The weird thing about my case is that I lost a lot more on the right than on the left. It's to a point where I think my left is a mature hairline with a slight recession, and my right is very clearly receded. If I'm going for a transplant I'm probably not touching my left, I know i wasn't born to be Tom Cruise. I only want to make my hairline more symmetrical because it's frustrating me a ton and holding back my life in a way I didn't ever imagine was possible. I'm a very good looking guy, but my confidence is so sh*t since this thing started that it's amazing. I mean It doesn't matter how many girls are interested in me, I just can't feel good about myself.

I know most of the guys here are in more advanced stages of hairloss. I know many people would tell me I'm just a stupid kid. But I'm really trying to live with it, and I'm seeing a psychologist on this as well, so please try to be helpful.

As for what the future holds: I think my hairloss has stabilized right now thanks to the meds. No one in my family is completely bald. My father has no hairloss at 50 (lol thanks dad) and my grandfather on my mother's side is a norwood 4 or something at 70. I have a brother on my mother's side who's on propecia and he's 40 and has solid hair. I def got that from my mother's side but no one's completely bald there.

I know that doing a relatively low hairline at a young age is a problem. I know I'm gonna have to do more procedures in the future. I'm willing to do this because the way I live right now is a disaster. I will keep taking the current meds and whatever cutting-edge treatments that come in the future. The way I see it if my donor hair can let me have a good life until I hit 40 or so, I'm fine with that, even if I'll have to buzz it all when I get there (in case we won't be able duplicate hairs by 2038). I just rly want to live my life right now and have a symmetric hairline.

1. I'm only doing this with a top doctor. Feller, Rahal, H&W, those guys. Will one of the top docs agree to operate on me (if i am fully aware on future possibilities)?
2. how many grafts would you guess be needed for this type of operation?

and any general input I would rly appreciate.

The first picture is my right side wet and pulled back.

The second picture is my left wet and pulled back. I really think it's a very nice hairline there, no one would recognize anything really (imo).

The third one is my right, dry and pulled back, so you can see the V-shaped recession there (ignore the picture name that says "left dry", it's a mistake).


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Thanks for the input Ben. I'm aware that I'm not a classic candidate, I sure expect almost everyone here to say I don't need it. But the thing is I really want it and am willing to take the risks of doing another procedure in a few years. I'm 24 and every day is so precious for me at this age.

I'm disappointed to hear that you think I'll have trouble finding a top surgeon to do this. Anyway that's the only way I'm going to do this, if all the top guys turn me down then fml. I've sent pictures to Feller through Spex already, I hope to get a positive response from them.

I'm going to conract Rahal too even though I've heard he specializes in FUT and I need FUE. Is that true?

I'm kinda scared to contact Armani because I've heard he'll give anyone any hairline they want. Not really the best idea for a spoiled kid like me lol. I want to have someone reliable to do me a procedure that might be risky/aggressive, but not reckless.

If other people can give their opinions I'll appreciate it a lot.

Mr. 4000

Ben said:
Contacting Spex is a great idea since he is very experienced. We want some things in life so bad that we go ahead with so just be careful and go with a top doct such as Feller if he would be willing to operate on you. Spex tends to reply pretty quickly.

Rahal is brilliant at FUE and you should only go with FUE. Send some pictures to Feriduni and ******** in Belgium as well since they are top doctors.

If they all come back and say no then at least you know where you stand.

Dont go anywhere near Armani since he is quite aggressive and may not be in your long term interest.
Spex is a business man first, he works in the industry, bad idea

you are too young and have plenty of hair

get over it you look fine

if you even consider a hair transplant you are insane at your age

Man in Space

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Spex told me to go away because he thought i didnt need one and your hairloss (if you can call it that) is nowhere near as advanced as mine.

OP you are making a huge mistake, you need to research hair transplants more and understand the implications of what you are doing.

Allow me to use the great paul newman to explain

young, minimal thinning


older, thinning advancing


much much older


If he had had a hair transplant in in the first pic to dense pack his hairline he would never have had enough donor to last him for the rest of his head of his lifetime, imagine what he would have been left looking like.

In life it is wise to follow this saying, 'what would paul newman do?!'. It is the one commandment!. He wouldnt have done it, cos he was the boss!

It is wise to leave a hair transplant until your hairloss pattern has advanced to avoid looking like a total numpty


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sh*t, your hair is dense! Seriously, no need for a hair transplant right now. Trust me when I say that you are the one who notices your hairloss more than others. I bet you that 99.2% of people wouldn't even know you were losing any hair.


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Thanks for the comments everybody, I really appreciate that you're trying to give me good advice. I'm definitely going to do more research before I decide. I have to feel better about the situation regardless of what I decide to do, it's probably a bad idea to make decisions when you're obsessed with something rather than understanding the broader context. I will update this thread when I hear what the doctors have to say.

Man in Space

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^ Exactly, Bens hairloss pattern was established so they could plan for the future and place grafts appropriately, bens design means that even were his crown to go he could still leave it for a while before touching it up and it would look like normal pattern hairloss. Going into the tips of the hairline to try and get your 18 year old hair back is a form of lunacy, your hairline will likely retreat further over the course of a lifetime and you will end up playing catch up. Look at the newman example, bare in mind that you will be 60 one day and your priorities will have changed big time by then.

OP, you are making a decision based on emotions, this is the worst thing you can do, feelings will change over the course of a lifetime, you need to make a decision without emotion, objectively, based on facts.

1.you dont have bad hairloss
2.you are jeopardising your existing hair by transplanting into the region through shockloss
3. your hairloss pattern is not established so you cant manage your donor effectively
4. if you were to transplant into the front you are increasing the surface area meaning you finite donor has further to go over the course of your life
5. you would have to waste tonnes of grafts to match the density at the front.
6. as your hair naturally thins out through life you would end up with insanely dense patches in the front and thinner patches elsewhere.

Seriously, you would be making a huge mistake. Fortunately I believe this is moot as i dont know that a reputable dr would operate but please bare in mind, you have your whole life to live with this.
You obviously want a hair transplant to take away a perceived problem but the truth is, you will be making a much much bigger problem for you managing a hair transplant for the rest of yourlife, you will still be paranoid about losing more hair etc.

BTW Im not against hair transplants at all, I think they are great and in the instance of someone like ben or s.a.f they offer a fantastic way of getting a natural looking head of hair. However they must only be utilised at the right time, you would be absolutely banannas to even consider a hair transplant with your hair. I implore you to rethink!


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I came back to update you guys that I've been turned down By Feller, Rahal and ********. Maybe I can find someone to operate on me if I keep looking, but I'm pretty sure now that it's a bad idea, getting a "no" from all three doctors probably means I shouldn't do it.

I'm gonna try and enjoy my life and my hair the way they are right now.

Thanks everyone for your support.