25. Hate my hairline. Want a transplant. Thoughts?


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Tried taking Propecia back in September and it was a fail. Got very bad brain frog after only taking two doses of 0.25 mg. So the only thing I'm currently doing now to fight my hair loss is Regenpure DR every other day and S5 cream on my hairline every night.

So here's the deal. I hate my hairline and want a straighter one. I have no idea when it started to recede. From the age of 13 to 23 I had long hair and never paid attention to my hairline until I cut my hair short and noticed I couldn't style it the way I wanted. I just turned 25 and at least a NW2. I can get a transplant done if I want, money is not a problem, but how stupid would it be to get one right now? Should I wait a few more years and see how much worse it gets? I'm really hoping it's going to stabilize (could happen...right? :(). I haven't noticed much hairline recession from what it looked a year ago.

My right side is worse than my left.





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Even though it does look a little bit receded, your hair still has a lot going for it. First of all, the rest of your hair looks healthy. Also, you don't have an uneven hairline. It doesn't look boxy or squared out or overtly jagged anywhere. On top of that, your widows peak is low, so when looking at you straight face to face, your hairline will still look low.

I would wait maybe 5 years and think about it then. Take a look at your father's and grandfather's hair. If they are NW6, I would definitely avoid a transplant at this stage.


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My Regimen
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if you aren't on finasteride? bad idea. Your hair behind the new transplanted hair will fall out and you will look weird with the out of place transplanted hair.


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if you aren't on finasteride? bad idea. Your hair behind the new transplanted hair will fall out and you will look weird with the out of place transplanted hair.
I know, which is why I tried finasteride back in September. My plan was to take finasteride, maybe wait a year, then get a FUE. Since I got bad mental sides, I'm kind of lost on what to do now.

- - - Updated - - -

It's funny you say that because I feel the same way about my hair looking healthy. I pull it up and don't notice any hair along my hairline that is about to die and fall out. I guess this has been happening very slowly over the course of 10 years.