25 years old 1 year on Avodart update

Chill dude

Established Member
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Just an update on how the old hairline is holding up. Hair is noticeably thicker and only slight recession that the drug has seemingly stopped in its tracks.


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Just an update on how the old hairline is holding up. Hair is noticeably thicker and only slight recession that the drug has seemingly stopped in its tracks.
Good case to watch. Keep updating every 6 months. Great density.


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My Regimen
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Did you go straight to Dutasteride and if you did how come you didn't try finasteride first? you're hair looks great btw.


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You sure you were balding? Some guys just stop at that nw2 level and stay that way especially if it looks very defined.

Chill dude

Established Member
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Did you go straight to Dutasteride and if you did how come you didn't try finasteride first? you're hair looks great btw.
I just didn’t get the point of starting a drug that only blocks 60% DHT, when I could jump on dutasteride and block the whole shebang.

Chill dude

Established Member
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You sure you were balding? Some guys just stop at that nw2 level and stay that way especially if it looks very defined.
Yeah pretty sure I had miniaturisation. My widows peak was thinning on the left side, and since starting it’s filled back in which has confirmed to me that I was in fact balding.


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It's usually easier to spot the thinning in real life rather than on pictures because poor picture quality / good lighting usually makes it not look as bad.
Depends. My iPhone 12 Pro takes amazing pictures so tbh pictures can be quite telling if the cam isn’t potato quality.