26,aggressive hairloss,Any hope?


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Hey guys,i'm 26,been balding since 17.Since I was 23 and my hairloss started to become real severe and aggressive,I started shaving my head bald with a razor and just accepted I'm a bald man.The last month is teh first time in years i let my hair (whats left of it) grow back and i was shocked at the progression of my hairloss in three years.I'm now naturally bald on top,with just a few stray thin hairs here and there.Lately I've been thinking of getting on propecia and using rogaine, but I wanted to see first if i'm already past the point of no return.I can accept shaving my head for life and being a bald man,but it would be nice to have hair again.thanks in advance for any advice

20 years old

22 years old

23 years old

Today at 26 years old


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"but I wanted to see first if i'm already past the point of no return"
I'm sorry but you've reached the point of no return and that's not even close.


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i'm sorry brother. really hate to ever have to deliver this kind of news but with current medication i don't think you're going to find a solution.
hell - at least your head looks like a great shape for the shaved look. i know that's probably a trite thing to say on these boards - but if i did it, i'd look like ET or something.
take care amigo.


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I'll not say it's the point of no return, but indeed I've never seen a regrowth from your baseline,
so if I were you, I would get propecia + rogain 6 months supply, wait and see
you have nothing to lose


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At least You have a good head geometry dude :D I hate to be bald because my headshape is more likely to rectangle than a curve :))


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Just get on the big 3. You don't have anything to lose. Check out "The Last hair bender" story in this forum. Good luck.