I am a 28M active male into fitness who has been experiencing hair loss for 3-4 years. I always had thick hair but genetics has done me no good in the hair department. I have diffuse hairloss and recently started to experience more noticeable crown hairloss.
I was on minoxidil with decent gains for 2 years (more baseline stability and hair thickness rather than hair regrowth) but i decided to take a pause for 3-4 months and just use rosemary oil (which was obviously a really bad idea as you can tell by my pics).
Stoppage of minoxidil had a significant impact on my hairloss so about 2 months ago i restarted my regimen (1x day), and about a month ago added finasteride (3x a week)/nizoral (2-3/week) /biotin (daily).
Since adding finasteride/nizoral/biotin to my regimen, i have noticed my hair loss has reduced significantly.
Based on your experience, do I have any chance of regrowth? I am really worried and self concious about posting my pics here but I need your honest recommendations/feedback to help me battle this journey.
I am a 28M active male into fitness who has been experiencing hair loss for 3-4 years. I always had thick hair but genetics has done me no good in the hair department. I have diffuse hairloss and recently started to experience more noticeable crown hairloss.
I was on minoxidil with decent gains for 2 years (more baseline stability and hair thickness rather than hair regrowth) but i decided to take a pause for 3-4 months and just use rosemary oil (which was obviously a really bad idea as you can tell by my pics).
Stoppage of minoxidil had a significant impact on my hairloss so about 2 months ago i restarted my regimen (1x day), and about a month ago added finasteride (3x a week)/nizoral (2-3/week) /biotin (daily).
Since adding finasteride/nizoral/biotin to my regimen, i have noticed my hair loss has reduced significantly.
Based on your experience, do I have any chance of regrowth? I am really worried and self concious about posting my pics here but I need your honest recommendations/feedback to help me battle this journey.