28 year old male...how i got back my adolescent hairline and thickness..


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First of all, I just wanna say im not trying to sell you guys anything. This is a real story of how i restored my hair back to when i was like in junior high. Its really quite amazing.

Ever since i was young, i was always scared of going bald because its simply not pretty. When i was in my late teens and early 20s, i had a large afro and i noticed my hair was receding and my forehead was getting bigger. I searched on the web about hair loss and came across this site. You can check my posts from many years ago when i first joined.

Anyways, back then i started off with rogaine liquid 5% and then i used the kirkland 5% version that i bought at costco and had great results for 2 years. I had also purchased folligen spray and cream but it was really messy and i never did use it consistently. It also made my scalp green so it was kinda too funky for me. Im sure it would work if you use it consistently but i never did and ended up throwing like 5 bottles away.

So after those great 2 years that i had with kirkland, i noticed my hair was thinning and receding at the front. I guess i was building a tolerance to minoxidil. I read somewhere on the forum here that when your body builds a tolerance to it, you gotta stop for a few months and then go back on. Anyways, i stopped using kirkland and i pretty much lost all the regrown hairs i had with it. I never went back on it and just hoped my hair loss would stabilized. So during the next couple of years, i wasnt using aything and started buzzing my head closer and closer as the receding progressed so it wouldnt look as bad.

Then last year, i noticed my left temple was building a bald spot so i tried to improvise with my haircut to cover it up so i shaved off a straight line from that bald spot up a few inches like a design..lol. It worked for a few months but then i noticed that bald spot was getting larger so i ended up just lining my hair above that bald spot and my forehead instantly grew like a half inch bigger. My forehead was pretty big and i ended up shaving my head with a 0.5 clip so it didnt look as bad. My hair was thinning all over on top as well. I wanted to do something about it so i ended up getting rogaine foam. The foam is great because it dries pretty much instantly so it was really convenient for me to use in the morning before work. I used it for like 2 weeks and noticed shedding which is common and i knew the hair would grow back thicker like it had when i used minoxidil many moons ago.

Anyways, i really wanted to maintain my hair and i knew with just minoxidil, you were still susceptible to dht so i was thinking of going on finasteride but i read too many horror stories on it and didnt wanna take a chance. I searched online for products and came across lipogaine. I read all the reviews on amazon and it sounded too good to be true. I tried to filter out the real reviews from the bogus ones but had a hard time. I also saw a youtube clip of a review by some guy that uses steroids and he was raving about it so i decided to give it a shot and purchased a bottle.

So for the last 2 weeks, thats all i been using but i have noticed tremendous results. I put it on all over my head on top and its really easy to get the solution on there cause my hair is so short right now. I was using a straight edge razer to line up my receding hairline above my balding left temple but i was still putting the solution in that area. I didnt notice a shed while using it. I guess because i was using rogaine foam for the prior 2 weeks and my hair was already used to the minoxidil. Anyways, i have noticed my hair getting really thick lately. My real hairline that i been shaving off a good 0.5 to 0.75 inch each haircut was growing back but it was nice and thick. My balding left temple was filling in nicely too and i can see vellus hairs in that area if i look really close. It might be the rogaine foam but my hair has never looked this nice till i used lipogaine. Its really a miracle product. I pretty much have my hairline that i had when i was 13 or 14 now. I stopped straight edge razoring off that half inch or so off cause its thick again. Its pretty much surreal to me and thats why i wanted to tell my story here. You guys need to try this product. Im not gonna talk too much about it but it blocks dht as well. Just read up about it on google.

Keep in mind that i have used nizoral for years along with Impruv vitamin supplement thats good for hair, skin, and nails. I dont contribute that to the success ive had recently though because its been so dramatic. Im sure its lipogaine. I was thinking of using rogaine foam in the morning and lipogaine at night but im thinking now of just using lipogaine both morning and night because its so good. It does make your hair stiff if it gets on it and it leaves a little residue on your skin if you put too much but it has no odor and doesnt make my scalp itch. Ive been applying it on my scalp pretty evenly so it looks perfectly fine with barely to no residue.

Anyways, let me know what you guys think of my story or have any questions. Again, im a real person suffering from male pattern baldness and not trying to sell you this product but it absolutely works. I have so much more confidence now.

Thank you for reading.


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sounds kinda like a commercial for lipogaine. sucess after 2 weeks of a product seems a bit far fetched considering hair can only grow about 1 mm in that time, and a topical product normally needs months to actually have an effect on the hair. not saying ur lying , but i think u may be exxagerating or mistaken. I for one have commonly mistaken miniturizing hairs for new regrowth only to be dissapointed down the track.


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sounds kinda like a commercial for lipogaine. sucess after 2 weeks of a product seems a bit far fetched considering hair can only grow about 1 mm in that time, and a topical product normally needs months to actually have an effect on the hair. not saying ur lying , but i think u may be exxagerating or mistaken. I for one have commonly mistaken miniturizing hairs for new regrowth only to be dissapointed down the track.

Dude, im a real person suffering from male pattern baldness lol. Not tryna sell you lipogaine. Click on my name and you will see my join date was in 2003. I joined this site when i was 19 trying to fight male pattern baldness. They deleted all my
old posts though. This was actually my first post in over 5 years. Like i said, i have used minoxidil in the past with rogaine and kirkland and i know how fast you can expect to see results and i have never seen anything so dramatic till when i switched to lipogaine. Also, my hair is a 0.5 clip all around my head, which is 1/16 of an inch. So when new hair grows, its pretty much gonna be the same length as all my other hairs on top. My hairline was bad before and and i was developing a left flank on my left temple thats why i was straight edge razoring off a good 3/4 inch off of my hairline to make it look crisp. Now i dont have to do that anymore as my real natural hairline has grown back nice and thick and it looks crisp. My left temple that was flanking with a bald spot definitely is growing back. Theres still a little bald
spot but i can see vellus hairs growing in that area so i am hoping it will completely fill in. I swear by this product now. It doesnt have just minoxidil...it also has retinol which helps with absorption. It has a bunch of dht blocking ingredients and vitamins which helps your hair grow faster. Granted, the Impruv vitamins i have been taking for years does the same thing. It makes my hair and nails grow super fast. I know eventually my body will prolly build a tolerance to the minoxidil in lipogaine like before, but i think i will be using lipogaine for life due to its dht blocking capabilities. I read about it and they said its more effective than finasteride minus the side effects.

Anyways, i just wanted to tell you guys my story. Its 100% real and i have nothing to gain from my story besides making other people suffering from male pattern baldness realize there is hope out there. This product is the best ever and i want you guys to try it. They offer a 60 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose anyways. No guarantee it will work on you but it has done wonders for me and i love my new hair. I swear it looks almost like i had a hair transplant..lol. The results have been night and day.


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You do know if there was something known to be more effective than finasteride but without side effects, everyone on here would already be all over it? Excuse me for being skeptical but "hair transplant like results" and "best product ever" after only 2 weeks of usage?

Well i read up about lipogaine on google and one article said that. Also, i used rogaine foam for 2 weeks then switched to lipogaine and used it for 2 weeks so my results right now are pretty much after one month of minoxidil. I just credit the success to lipogaine because i used minoxidil like 9 years ago and never seen so much dramatic resuls in a short amount of time. Just search for lipogaine on youtube and see the video review from the steroids guy. He can explain why lipogaine is so good better than me.


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Yeah when a guy with 3 posts says at the end he is not trying to sell a product that means he is trying to sell this product. I think its funny after so many snake oils a random guy can post a message on some obscure new treatment saying it grows full heads of hair and there are still guys in this day and age that still investigate and believe it might be true.


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Yeah when a guy with 3 posts says at the end he is not trying to sell a product that means he is trying to sell this product. I think its funny after so many snake oils a random guy can post a message on some obscure new treatment saying it grows full heads of hair and there are still guys in this day and age that still investigate and believe it might be true.

I have only 3 posts now because they deleted all my posts. Check my join date, it says 2003. Im a real person and my story is real. You dont have to believe me but i just wanted to share my story. Have a nice day.


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I just took some pics after a shower to show you guys. I wish i took some before pics but these are after ones. I used to have a horeshoe diffuse thinning hair outline on my scalp and now its quite thick with good coverage. I took pics of both temples so you can see hair is growing there where i used to have a flank. The last pic are the products i have been using for the last month. I wil use rogaine foam when i am going out or something because lipogaine sometimes flake but otherwise, its my main weapon now for fighting male pattern baldness. Let me know what you guys think and i hope the skeptics turn into believers. Im just like one of you guys and just trying to share knowledge of a product that has worked for me.


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I tried lipogaine for 6 weeks. It not any better than generic 5% minoxidil. Not only that but the cost is outrageous. $24 per bottle. However their claim about it drying quick is true. It took my hair only 5 min to dry out compared to kirkland which took 1-2 hr, but when the lipogaine dries, it clumps you hair up.

I am also not sure how effective azelaic acid really is. Some people swear by it, but there has been only one study done on it involving 17 people. At this point I think it is inconclusive on weather azelaic acid really works or not.


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To be honest, I have heard/read brilliant reviews for Lipogaine and I think I've seen the same video the OP is talking about with the steroids guy (he does alot of videos on hair loss and comes across as a fairly intelligent person who has researched and experimented with alot of regimes) and I'm convinced it is a better version of Kirkland/Rogaine without a doubt. I mean it has Azelaic acid which is a DHT blocker and helps absorption apparently, it has retinol which has been proven to help the absorption and effects of Minoxidil from what I've read and a whole bunch of vitamins and natural DHT blockers. I cannot see how it CAN'T be better than generic minoxidil considering it has the same base ingredients but with extra goodies thrown in. I might buy one bottle along with my next Generic Foam batch and apply it specifically to one side of my hairline to see if it provides better results.

Also $24 for a months supply isn't alot in the UK, that's roughly £15 which is what Rogaine Foam 1 month supply costs anyway!! And generic Foligain Foam is roughly £10 a month. I'd say the £5 extra a month might very well be worth it if the claims about better results and less flakey scalp are true. I have also seen a few people report new hairs after 2-4 weeks on Lipogaine, so there might be truth to the OP's claims. I mean, my hairline pretty much went from NW3 to NW1.5-2 in 7 weeks on Rogaine Foam (which is less effective than liquid solutions anyway) so it's definitely possible (however my regrowth did slow).


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I just ordered this stuff with Rengenpure DR shampoo to hopefully stop my hair loss. This was suggested by that same steroid guy the OP is talking about. I'm skeptical about going on propecia so I thought I'll try this out first.

If I don't see any results, I'll order a months worth of propecia, take it for 2 weeks to see if I feel any side effects, and if not, then go order a couple months worth to see if there are any results.

If you really had receding growth on your temples and you now have a hairline, I will be very content if I can grow mine back.

Mr White

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Lipogaine seems interesting. I'm a bit scared of side effects, e.g. itchy scalp, after my negative experience with Rogaine liquid. I'm currently using Rogaine foam, no side effects to report.


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Hey bro I'm 21 and I'm trying to stop from going bald I need advice...
I bought Lipogaine and regenpure and it's been about 2 ... maybe three weeks I've missed a couple of days of lipoganie here and there but I haven't seen any major results yet. ALSO my doctor gave me something called propecia 1mg finasteride.
I take one pill a day eveyday but no results yet he told me I had to wait up to 6 months to see results.