29 Years Old And Feel I Am Too Late For Big 3 Solution - Transplant?


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So, the title says it all and this is the first time I am posting anywhere ever about doing something about my balding. Sadly, I noticed my balding when I was about 24, but it wasn't until this year that it had progressed so aggressively. When I got my hair cut, the attached photos were the after math.

To give you some idea, there used to be a lot of hair there and I always tended to keep my hair 2-3 inches in length and make it spikey or messy or whatever.

Now I am just straight bald. I am not sure what Norwood I am, maybe I am a 2 or 3, but I just know I don't look 29 anymore and my lack of hair makes me feel older.

Anyway, I am in San Antonio and have gone through forums on top of forums about FUE and FUT and I see Dr. Limmer's family here in San Antonio are here and do FUT. Their site speaks on FUE like its an archaic measure, but it also sounds like they aren't doing it because they simply don't believe in it and haven't given it a chance which doesn't speak well about them. On the flip side of that I hear Limmer is quite good. Then you have other doctors who prefer FUE so this stuff is all over the place. I feel like a decision this important, there are so many scams and so many people saying they are great. So far Limmer sounds like a solid practice, but how can I believe that when there seems to be so many scams out there?

The scar on the back of my head isn't a big deal for me, as you can see from my pictures I have decently long hair on the sides, maybe 2-3 inches in length at any given time. So the difference between FUT and FUE to me feel minimal. I guess the greatest concerns with doing something this drastic are as follows:

Will I get all the yield from a transplant? Or is the average about 80 percent or worse, 50 percent of the hair? I don't want to go in there, do this for thousands of dollars (Money is not an issue) and have half the hair not work out.

I fully realize it takes about a year or possibly a year and a half to see results, that is fine for me as I feel if I got on finasteride or Minodixidil or both I can maintain what I have.

The reason I feel I can't do finasteride and minoxidil right now is because I feel like I've lost too much already. I mean how can I possibly get that much hair back? Also, if I have the money why not do this step and combine it with minoxidil + finasteride? For me if I did minoxidil + finasteride instead of a transplant I would have to wait 6 months to a year just to see if it works for me. I feel like if I did all three (transplant/minoxidil/finasteride) I feel like I would be doing everything in my power to get back what I have lost.

Like many, I wish I hadn't have waited, my brother is fully bald but he looks good with a shaven head and sadly I feel I don't. I am not sure what I am trying to gain from this post honestly, I just feel trapped in my own head and wanted to put words down to people who have been there. Am I too young to think of this method? Have I not lost enough hair for this? My hair in those pictures are obviously put there to seem like they are in their worst state. I did that on purpose so I can look back and update you guys and myself on my progress... 20150101_213812.jpg20150101_213742.jpg20150101_214001.jpg20150101_214021(0).jpg

This is my hair a few years ago... so gorgeous. ;)

hair loss.jpg

Anyway, that is my story I am thinking of making the plunge but am just scared and feel trapped. If I do the transplant, a year from now and it doesn't work I guess the worst case scenario I will be in the same spot. What are your guys thoughts? Should I not be making this step?


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minoxidil can do wonders for diffuse thinners, you'd be amazed honestly. Then we add finasteride into the equation and you honestly have a real fighting chance of restoring what you have lost. Why keep it so long anyway dude, I guess you give the illusion you have something there, but it really doesn't look good.

You have to at least give minoxidil + finasteride a try...
Some people are such amazing responders to minoxidil, they see huge gains. minoxidil is perfect for thinning.
You could be the next success story bro :jump:


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minoxidil can do wonders for diffuse thinners, you'd be amazed honestly. Then we add finasteride into the equation and you honestly have a real fighting chance of restoring what you have lost. Why keep it so long anyway dude, I guess you give the illusion you have something there, but it really doesn't look good.

You have to at least give minoxidil + finasteride a try...
Some people are such amazing responders to minoxidil, they see huge gains. minoxidil is perfect for thinning.
You could be the next success story bro :jump:

True, maybe I haven't done enough research, but if I use minoxidil I imagine all that hair in the front would be gone from shedding initially, is shedding that bad initially?

I have a consultation with Limmer in a few weeks, or at least I am going to set one, perhaps they will give me finasteride prescription instead... The "you don't know until you try" sentiment is valid, unfortunately I don't know if I would get back most of what I've lost or even how common that is. I look on these forums about success stories on finasteride+minoxidil, but I see equal amounts of frustration, but perhaps that is my own imagination. I see the same amount of frustration/success from surgery. So "Lost" is a good word for me honestly. I would like a transplant to be the smoking gun and solve my issue with an obvious combination of minoxidil+finasteride, but maybe I am jumping too soon on things I don't know about.

The other side of me feels if I do just finasteride+minoxidil then this will get worse. I am not afraid of the twice a day regimen I am very good at regimen and I can be dedicated. But I don't know, I feel like I am on a timer now and I am 1 hour late.


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That's crazy. You look like a norwood 1 in the earlier photo. The odd thing is, it looks like your crown is intact? Did your hairline just receded super fast? Anyways, gl bro


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That's crazy. You look like a norwood 1 in the earlier photo. The odd thing is, it looks like your crown is intact? Did your hairline just receded super fast? Anyways, gl bro

That was about 4 years ago. And yeah its just the front. My crown is just fine.