3-4 short hairs only?


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Guys pardon my bad english. Back when i was 19, after messing up with anabolics started developing bad acne and losing some hair. I was doing simple white paper test morning before shower- scrubbing my hair on top of it for half a minute to see how much hairs i will see falling. I was seeing about 15-20 with normal lenght. My hair thinned a bit on the sides, but my hormones kinda normalized and acne stopped. I grew my hair longer and stopped doing the paper test. My testosterone levels remained low, probably for lifetime since i screwed with steroids. Anyways now at almost 25 i decided to shorten my hair like before. I dont notice any hairs on keyboard or shower on pillow. I buzzed my hair and it seems a bit thinner only on the right side. The hairline and the rest seem the same as before. I restarted the morning paper test and now i see about lot less hairs- sometimes non, usually between 2-7, but most are a lot shorter than my normal hair lenght. I rarely see any long hairs falling. The things is that when my hair is short its bit thinner on sides specially on the right side so i was planning to take finasteride just for prevention, but i read stories of hyperandrogenicity that may follow and cause oily skin again, acne and even worsening my hair situation. What is your opinion and advice. I cant post photo right now but my hair is ok the way it is right now and i hope i can keep it that way atleast next 10 years. My mother's side family members have similar thinnings but no other problems with hair, my father's side are a bit worse but in later stages of life. Thanks for reading ;)

Just a notice: I was't doing the test when i was 19 everymorning, just a few times acctually. Now i started it like a week ago and plan doing it everymorning..

Guys, sorry for interrupting for second time, but after reading numerous posts about similar expiriences, i came across possibility for Telogen Effluvium. Ive never heard of it before, but it seems to be common in people with really low testosreone like mine (200-300ng/Dl). Losing only short hairs is common signs of it. I've read that it happens all over scalp and sometimes different parts of body. I just did another test- i only rubbed the hair near the ears and and back of the hair near the neck- where you dont usually expirience hair loss- absolutly the same small short hairs came 6-7 at total. I just started to get worried since i've also read that it can thin out you entire scalp.