3 Month Point on Propecia


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Whelp. I thought it would take forever to get here but the time really does fly by guys.

Here's what I've noticed:

When I started out, my right temple was way worse than my left. Also, I was losing a lot of hair over my kitchen sink and desk.

Now, my right temple looks the same as my left temple. It's filled in a bit and I can style it so that you don't remotely notice anything wrong. As far as shedding, I lose maybe 5-6 hairs when I really rub my hands through my hair.

Outlook: Positive! I think I'm going to see some great things in the next nine months for the rest of the period in which Propecia makes changes.

Downside: The one side effect Propecia seems to do on me is weight gain. I've put on about 15 pounds in three months. I haven't changed habits or anything so I'm attributing it to the Propecia. Not a huge problem, I just need to add more cardio at the gym.

Anyways, overall I'm really pretty happy. Hope the same goes for everyone else.


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I experienced some weight gain around that time as well. I changed my eating habits as well as a college student can with limited options and even more limited cooking experience, drank more water and less cola, and just tried to be generally more active; not neccessarily the gym but playing cardio-type sports more often. The weight went back to normal, i'm almost to month 5 now.

Good luck and be healthy

The Rock

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k by weight gain, do we mean fat ?


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Yea mostly fat. I'm a pretty avid lifter at the gym so some of it is muscle but I developed a bit of a belly since being on Propecia.


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worried said:
I experienced some weight gain around that time as well. I changed my eating habits as well as a college student can with limited options and even more limited cooking experience, drank more water and less cola, and just tried to be generally more active; not neccessarily the gym but playing cardio-type sports more often. The weight went back to normal, i'm almost to month 5 now.

Good luck and be healthy

How are your results, worried?


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Weight gain!? That's a first I've heard of this type of reaction! :(

Are you sure its not just natural and you just had not noticed before?
Or, since you are getting older your metab is slowing anyway and its being caused by that?


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juststarting said:
Weight gain!? That's a first I've heard of this type of reaction! :(

Are you sure its not just natural and you just had not noticed before?
Or, since you are getting older your metab is slowing anyway and its being caused by that?

I've heard it happen to a few guys on here. I'm not that old, 23 years old.


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Yikes that is disturbing. I work-out 4 days a week with weights, 2 days a week eliptical. I have gained some weight, but I was thinking it was because i am not living a super low carb lifestyle anymore (still whole grains only though)...or I figured it was muscle mass gain.

Oh well, something to keep an eye out for I guess! :(


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DarklyCharming said:
Whelp. I thought it would take forever to get here but the time really does fly by guys.

Here's what I've noticed:

When I started out, my right temple was way worse than my left. Also, I was losing a lot of hair over my kitchen sink and desk.

Now, my right temple looks the same as my left temple. It's filled in a bit and I can style it so that you don't remotely notice anything wrong. As far as shedding, I lose maybe 5-6 hairs when I really rub my hands through my hair.

Outlook: Positive! I think I'm going to see some great things in the next nine months for the rest of the period in which Propecia makes changes.

Downside: The one side effect Propecia seems to do on me is weight gain. I've put on about 15 pounds in three months. I haven't changed habits or anything so I'm attributing it to the Propecia. Not a huge problem, I just need to add more cardio at the gym.

Anyways, overall I'm really pretty happy. Hope the same goes for everyone else.

Did u expereince the propecia shedding...if yes how long and when during the the time u were on propecia


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chewbaca said:
Did u expereince the propecia shedding...if yes how long and when during the the time u were on propecia

Yes. The 2nd month, I damn near wanted to kill myself with how much I was shedding. The best advice I can give to survive that is to buzz your head. I took a 1 guard to it and saved myself a lot of mental anguish. I was looking in the mirror every 2 seconds when I was shedding. Once I buzzed it, not a problem. Now I just keep it decently short but not buzzed.

The shedding leveled out around the 2 and a half month point. Now, past three months, I can really rub my head hard over white paper and 1-3 pieces of hair will come out if that. Total turn around.

The best advice I can give is to stick it out! It gets a million times better. I swear to god I thought I would be bald in a matter of months with the amount I was shedding but it does stop. Now I'm living my life again and not freaking out every two seconds about how my hair possibly looks.