3 months finasteride Update with PICS


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First off, I would like to say that I am extremly critical when im judging whether or not any regrowth or positive things are occuring with my hair, thats why you do not see me posting every 3 days saying that i see regrowth or my hair is gone to sh*t and wut not. Because posters like this arent helping anyone or themselves (perfect example is Deaner). So anywayz Im just finishing my third month on propecia. So this is what ive noticed so far. In terms of shedding, im not to sure. I have always been shedding tons of hair, even b4 i was on and treatments. Over 150 per shower. After a while i just stopped counting because it was just depressing and there was no point in doing that to myself. Without counting i would have to say the shedding is about the same, no decrease or increase. But hair does seem to be a little stronger, but this could just be the placebo effect. My hairline is my biggest problem and is easiest to examine for any effect of finasteride. I have definitly recceeded and thinned a little more, but i now have a few more vellous hairs in the hairline area. But its nothing spectacular or anything. The wierd thing though is that these vellous hairs are way below my current hairline, like there is a gap between the vellous hair growth and my current hairline. At first when i noticed this i doubted that finasteride was having and effect yet, but today i looked at pictures and those hairs are for sure not there in older pics, well at least they were not as dark and long. As for the gap, it looks like it exists because i shed right above the new vellous hair growth because in the 2 earlier pictures it looks like my hairline was lower and the gap would not exist if my hairline from the earlier pictures was my current hairline. Ive attached pics so you can judge for yourself. As for the top and crown i would have to say it is more or less the same. I have also been testing minoxidil 5% on my lower left temple and have had quite strong regrowth and i have only been applying it once a day. When it comes to irritation, i was experiencing EXTREME itchyness and discomfort in my scalp b4 propecia and nizoral (every 3rd day), now my scalp feels 100x better, almost no discomfort or itchyness except for the odd times here and there. Overall, 3months on finasteride and not much change yet, as expected, except for a couple of minor things that i mentioned. Thats it for now, i will update in a month or so. Sorry about the shitty arrangement of the pics. Hopefully next time i post those vellous hairs will be even darker and thicker.

b4 propecia

2 months on propecia

3 months on propecia -notice the vellous hair growth (most evident on the right side) and the gap between it and the current hairline, that was not in the 2month picture. You can also see a little reccession on the right side of my current hairline as well and in the little piece in the center that sticks out, but nothing major.

comparison photo-b4 propecia and after 3months

Do you guys think that this is progress? Or just wishful thinking


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:shock: Forget about regrowth get that fungus growing on your forehead checked out :x :x

p.s. hard to tell if theres any real change - early days yet be patient its working for me :)


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haha that aint fungus, that just my acne cream. How long have you been on finasteride and wut results has it given u?


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:lol: fair enough

Been on finasteride. for around 6 months and minoxidil. for around 4 months & i have seen alot of regrowth on my hairline/temples. It was bloody obvious 6 months ago my hair was thinning now you can hardly tell..

I believe the minoxidil has done more than the finasteride. though.....