3 Months In And I'm Looking For A 2nd Opinion.


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Hi new member here... A little background on me, I recently turned 34 and when I was around 22 I received a small 500 FUT transplant to thicken my thinning hair line. Fast forward 10+ years and my hair line continued to recited and thin exposing the few and spares transplanted hair. After much debate I decided to get a 2nd hair transplant. This was a FUE with 2,500 graphs, I'm now 3 months in and not seeing much in regards to results. I know the 6-month mark is a big one, then the year, and 18 months for final results. I've just watch these YouTube videos and see many people with completely different results then me at the 3-month mark and wonder if this is some thing I should be worried about. Thanks much in advance for your advice and information. 1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg5.jpg6.jpg7.jpg8.jpg9.jpg10.jpg


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3 months is too soon to make a judgement on anything. I had one transplant come out fast, and another come out slow.