3 months......

wild eyed

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im on the finmixniz cocktail 3 months now and am going through a shed, really depressed, is there anything u guys think i cud add to my regimen to add more regrowth?

are sheds a good sign that the treatment is working?


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what exactly do you mean by a "shed"?

are you counting hairs or what?

Unless your hair is falling out in clumps just hang in there, things should cool down and thicken up shortly


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MSM will promote faster hair growth. Not MORE hair growth, but it will make the hairs that do grow, grow faster.

cosmo gene

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hanging in there ie. riding out the sheds seems to be the consensus. HOWEVER if your scalp health is deteriorating ie. becoming inflamed, sore, peeling etc, than that is not a shed that is an allergic reaction.
if it is a simple shed than just hang in there.

I am assuming that you are already using nizoral


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cosmo gene said:
hanging in there ie. riding out the sheds seems to be the consensus. HOWEVER if your scalp health is deteriorating ie. becoming inflamed, sore, peeling etc, than that is not a shed that is an allergic reaction.
if it is a simple shed than just hang in there.

I am assuming that you are already using nizoral

Yeah I wish i had realized that one!!!


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cosmo gene said:

For what its worth I was able to rebound from my minoxidil scalp devastation.

That is what I like to hear!!! Do you think that the follicles that shed because of the inflamation kicked back into gear? Did you try minoxidil with other forumlations (PPG Free)? What treatments did you use after you had your reaction to standard minoxidil?

cosmo gene

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i) 5% roagaine with minoxidil induced scalpal devestation *nb. pre nizoral*
ii) changed to ppg free 5% minoxidil, added nizoral, scalpal irritation but not devastation
ii)realized I cannot use anyforms of minoxidil

current hair status
i)more hair now than pre minoxidil
ii)regimen 1mg propecia
spironolactone 5%
bells and whistles ie. mega man, msm, anti oxidants etc.........

ps. I take a supplement called wobenzym for inflamation (ie. scalpal) I am not endorsing, I am just recommending that you research it for its anti inflamatry properties, than you take it from there.

good luck bomb


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cosmo gene said:
i) 5% roagaine with minoxidil induced scalpal devestation *nb. pre nizoral*
ii) changed to ppg free 5% minoxidil, added nizoral, scalpal irritation but not devastation
ii)realized I cannot use anyforms of minoxidil

current hair status
i)more hair now than pre minoxidil
ii)regimen 1mg propecia
spironolactone 5%
bells and whistles ie. mega man, msm, anti oxidants etc.........

ps. I take a supplement called wobenzym for inflamation (ie. scalpal) I am not endorsing, I am just recommending that you research it for its anti inflamatry properties, than you take it from there.

good luck bomb

Nice thanks for the heads up. I'm going order PPG free stuff along with some spironolactone from Dr. Lee. Folligen looks really promising after some research. I'll probably try the minoxidil alone first, and after a month if there is still devestation, I'm going to throw in the towel on that one, and go with folligen/spironolactone.

Have you ever considered the Emu Oil / Folligen combo? Supposively Emu Oil has some great scalp conditioning properities as well as helping stimulate regrowth with Folligen.


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I have been through one gnarly shed and one mild shed, but it all works out so don't trip. My initial shed included mass quantities of hair all over my pillows, sink, and shower. I was freaking. Shedding is part of the process, although, some fellas here have claimed not having any sheds at all.
