3 week Propecia shed?


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I finally started propecia (I'm a NW2) last month. I'm at the 3 week mark. The first week or two I had a libido BOOST, which has tapered off. Now I'm shedding a good deal.

I am going to ride it out, try and stay on it for the full year - so no comments encouraging this are necessary. However, everything I've read on this site predicts the big shed to come 3 months in or so. Why so early for me? Any thoughts or similar experiences?

Wash n' Gone

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I am four weeks and a half in and am having hairs come out every time I run my hands through my hair at the moment. Has been going on for the last 4-5 days. I just plan to ride it out and take it as a sign that my hair is responding :)


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My shedding has been really steady since my male pattern baldness started...almost to the point where I wonder if it isnt Telogen Effluvium. My temples are pretty much gone, but I have wavy hair that can still be styled to look NW1ish.

Cmon Propecia, do your stuff.