30 Pain Killers should do it!


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Ok, I'm serious getting depressed every single day, and I keep thinking of suicide.

I know I'm going bald, so I'm not going to explain any of that (even though the b**ch of a doctor says I'm not, she is just a dumb cow)

Anyway, I'm already social anxious, have people yelling random stuff at me all the time live a sh*t life at home with a twat of a step-dad.

My appearence is SO crap, I look disgusting. The only thing which is good is my hair. I'm on Saw Palemtto which is doing CRAP!!! 40 hairs came out after the shower today and I've already been on SP for a month.

I'm a (just turned 17) college student trying to find a job, so I cant fuckin afford Propecia and rogaine foam or anything

So yeh what the hell can I do, when the doctors tell me crap. I really wanna die I mean it, even when never realised about male pattern baldness I wanted to die, so losing my hair makes me want to kill myself 10 times more.

I need help on here, before I do something really stupid.


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Hi Natwraggie,

I know things can seem downhill at times but just remember they always get better and you are NOT alone. I think the best thing to do is calm down, think about positive things and surround yourself with people who care. This is not the answer and will never solve anything. We are all here for you if you need to talk and your HairLossTalk.com family stands behind you man! Hang in there. :)


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Chill dude.

I was 17 too. If the Doctor says you aint losing your hair (Even wrongly), it means your hair loss isn't noticeable.

Chances are with treatments and who knows what will be around in 10 years or so, you will never go bald.

optimus prime

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You can order propecia in the UK for £120.00 a year if you can afford it. However, I believe 17 is too young. I would wait until 20 if you can.


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What Norwood are you Natwraggie?


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Totally feel u guys. Just had a real bad day!
The worst thing about balding is when u are just a regular guy with a low paid job and you are not really intelligent or talented enough to have a stunning career with serious money in it. This is when balding makes u feel like complete fuc..ing loser! Sometimes I just feel like I hate myself and my fuc..ing genes...


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Natwraggie said:
[...] Anyway, I'm already social anxious, have people yelling random stuff at me all the time live a sh*t life at home with a twat of a step-dad.

It's called adolescence. Don't worry, we've all been there before, it's tough but it will pass.

I started losing my hair when I was your age. Back then, there was no HairLossTalk.com, no Internet, no Propecia (Proscar was already available, though) and I had to do A LOT of research before I found out about finasteride.

I started taking finasteride in my early 20s and it was the best thing I've ever done. Today, I'm 32 and I'm still a NW2.

Starting the treatment with finasteride is a big decision, though. First and foremost, you need to know if you are really suffering from male pattern baldness. There are many types of hair loss and finasteride is only prescribed for male pattern baldness.

You may be too young to start taking finasteride (remember, it is a life sentence and there could be unpleasant sexual side effects), so I would try other treatments first - e.g. Nizoral and minoxidil.

Good luck!


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30 pain killers will not necessarily do it. If you survive something like that, you'll wish you hadn't.
A shotgun blast to the brain stem is a fail-safe method.


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To all those talking about suicide:
If you're only accomplishment in life is to struggle through it take all the sh*t thats thrown at you and somehow make it to the end then you should consider that an achievement in itself. Even if you're the only one to know about it.


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besides, if I were to kill myself, I know they'd discover a cure for male pattern baldness the very next day.


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cuebald said:
besides, if I were to kill myself, I know they'd discover a cure for male pattern baldness the very next day.
What are you waiting for then ?!?! ><
gief cure! ;P


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hey natwraggi

i thought and i tried it a suicide when i was 17 i st loosing hair but after 20 its accelarated to NW3-4. but i saw my bro and i just wondering about himself why? now i am in 23 with NW2.5

for my bro he is now at 27 when he is in 23 at that stage he is game over NW7
but he is a casual guy and he wont took much important to his look and he is concerated on his job he is senior engg in india at EMC2

but for me i have took more concentration about my head and lost the studies and now some how i am managing to get money to buy finasteride and dutas..
and more over i am fair guy and i had 7 g friends but now most of them left at no choice i wont care about them ..

when i was 18 i noticed thinning on hair and growing my body hair i tried to save from hair falling i shaved my head more than 30 times

but i lost my hope of life any how i'm having confident with finasteride and dutas and i'm satisfied with my results and may be i reach NW2 by this end of year...

i have truly to say from heart this is not forum or psot some thing that other pepole are doing. this is website which helped ever in my life and and understood my feelings so dont fall in rumors definetly finasteride will help you dot worry my boy.
heroes with suuccesor they are here and will lead you.. thank you to this website espce all of pepole supported and encoraged me ..timi.prpjun.cassin.all of you..........


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s.a.f said:
To all those talking about suicide:
If you're only accomplishment in life is to struggle through it take all the sh*t thats thrown at you and somehow make it to the end then you should consider that an achievement in itself. Even if you're the only one to know about it.

This is beautiful, wisest thing ever posted on HairLossTalk.com.

I am the world champion of shi* taking - in Portuguese, we say 'engolir sapos' (swallowing toads).

I deserve my NW2, my great job and everything good that happens to me.


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metropolis said:
s.a.f said:
To all those talking about suicide:
If you're only accomplishment in life is to struggle through it take all the sh*t thats thrown at you and somehow make it to the end then you should consider that an achievement in itself. Even if you're the only one to know about it.

This is beautiful, wisest thing ever posted on HairLossTalk.com.

I am the world champion of shi* taking - in Portuguese, we say 'engolir sapos' (swallowing toads).

I deserve my NW2, my great job and everything good that happens to me.

I agree that SAF's post is probably the best anti-suicide message I've seen. The problem for me is that, its not the destination, its the journey.