I've started thinking the dermmatch does not look too good. then I went without it, and saw how thin my hair is. ... definitely continuing the dermmatch. I wondered how I ever got by without it. But if my hair is angled exactly right after I get out of the shower, it does not look too bad.
I don't know about you guys, but when I used dermatch, it seemed as if I was losing more hair applying the damn thing. It really tangles up your hairs and causes a painful plucking whenever you brush it through. Also, another bad thing is the smell! The scent is very distinct and smells like some old man's after shave.
But as for concealing, it does a decent job! Try this, after you're done applying it let it dry for a few minutes. Go step in the shower and wash your hair with hot water. That really helps when it comes to the issue of getting the stuff in your hands whenever you touch your hair.
yeah, for thinning diffuse hair i'm sure it would pull a few out. I apply it between my grafts in front. It does color diffuse light colored hairs though.