37 Y/o ... Am I A Candidate / How Do I Go About Getting Consults?


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Hi all:

TLDR: Bunch of pics attached. I'm 37 y/o and have been following hair loss forums since the mid-2000's. I'm finally in a situation where I'm looking into an hair transplant.

Background: Started noticing thinning in the crown around my mid-20's, when I tried over-the-counter Rogaine. It caused bad rashes/bumps, so I dropped it. I also knew that I wanted to have kids some day, so I avoided finasteride and the very slight reproductive risk that comes with it. Over the decade plus since, I've seen a bit more hair go each year, but things seem to have slowed down. My wife and I recently had our second and last child in July, so I got a prescription and went on finasteride in August. Always kept on eye on hair transplants, but lurking on these forums taught me I should probably wait until my mid-late 30's, where I am now. I've been thinking about it, but plan on making a career change and taking a few months off next year, which would be the perfect time to get the surgery without co-workers "knowing" about it. Looking at FUE because I often wear my hair a bit shorter in the sides/back.

So, based on all of this:
  1. Do I seem like a candidate for a transplant? Most of my thinning is in the back/crown, with my hairline having moved back a bit over the years. I don't perfectly understand the concept of a "diffuse" thinner, but it seems like mine is following a pretty classic pattern.
  2. How do I go about getting consults and have you guys found online consults to be accurate concerning donor fitness and suggested plan of attack? I live in the US and am willing to travel, so the idea of online consultations is interesting to me.
Thanks for any help. This whole thing is daunting, but now that I have the kids/finasteride, the cash set aside, and I'll have a block without having to be around co-workers, it's becoming more "real" and I have to figure out how I'm going to do this.


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Your donor area looks ok and you will need roughly 5000 grafts to look decent. To maximize your donor area you might do an FUT, say 3000 to start, and see how that does. Then do a second one at 2500 a year later. There are many FUT specialists. The other alternative if FUE, but they will shave you for that.

Hasson & Wong in Canada do FUT, maybe send them picks and ask for advice.


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My Regimen
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To piggyback on what the previous poster said, you'll never have even decent density. Just coverage. Maybe mediocre coverage of the hairline if it is at least two full inches higher than a typical natural hairline. Easily 5k grafts. You may, of possible, likely want 7k, if your scalp laxity n donor can take it.


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Welp, just heard back from the first Doctor I contacted (Ray-Haul, in case there's a filter) who said I'm not a candidate.

Thanks for the feedback, y'all. Don't need it to look like it did when I was a kid, but at least a bit of filling in would have been nice.