38 Years Old started about July 2012 and here is my progress so far.


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Here is my progress starting in 7/2012, this is the first picture I took:

This is a picture taken on 1/27/2013.


I am only taking Finasteride once per day and using Nizeral shampoo. I have not added in Rogain (yet). I'm glad I took the pictures because I really did not think it was working that well until I looked back at the older picture!
I'm 38, and I take a vitamin supplement once a day also but that has never done anything towards stopping my hair loss.

Obviously finasteride alone with the shampoo can work, although i suspect if I had also been applying Rogain to my scalp twice a day since July 2012 my results might have been better. I'm going to continue and add Rogain in soon and see what happens. I'll post an update in a few more months.


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This is encouraging. PM me where you get your finasteride from as you can't mention it on the forum.


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Update November 2013

Here is my latest updated photo as of November 19th, 2013:


After the last photo in January I had about 2-3 weeks left of my finasteride supply. I finished it, but due to financial reasons I couldn't order dutasteride for a few weeks...not sure exactly how much time passed, but I think it was almost 2 months. So I restarted sometime in March/April with dutasteride, minoxidil, and nizoral (I added in minoxidil and changed to dutasteride). The photo doesn't show it, but I have a lot of short colorless hairs growing into the bald spot. Not sure if that is a good thing, but I definitely have more hair than I did.