4 key questions


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I'm 30, based in London and considering a transplant. I have done a fair bit of reading around forums and online but in the hunt for as much information as possible I thought I'd try and bring together a few key issues here and see if people can help out:

1. Shock loss

I've read several things about shock loss - that it can come from the transplanted hairs and that it can come from the non-transplanted hairs. What is more common? Or is the most likely loss of both kinds of hair? I've also heard that shock loss can be permanent. Presumably there's no way of answering this with certainty, but what do people know about the likelihood of that?

2. Longevity of effect

Naturally one thing that concerns me is the possibility of having a transplant only to see the gains reversed within a few years or perhaps less. It is impressive to see pictures showing good results 6 months or a year into treatment, but I am interested in knowing what tends to happen 10 or 20 years down the line. I gather that FUE is a relatively new technique so maybe there isn't a lot of evidence out there on this count.

3. Horror stories even with FUE/FUT and quality surgeons?

The one thing we would all want to avoid would be to have transplant that actually does more harm than good. I've read about such things happening but only where the surgeons sounded pretty dodgy and seemingly in the era before FUE and FUT. Does anyone know of (or has had) a terrible experience with respected surgeons such as, say, Drs Feriduni or ********?

4. Where's best to find the best info?

It's tricky to know exactly what and who to trust in this game, clearly. If anyone has any tips on where to look for info apart from forums - e.g. do NHS doctors tend to have anything useful to say? - please let me know.

Thanks to anyone who can help!!
