4 month update


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Okay, I figure 4 months into a regimen is a legitimate time to actually start to report what I see finally. So here goes:

Temples have slowed regrowth pretty much, same ol' same ol', saw progress a month and a bit ago, it moved slowly forward, but it seems to be slowing down there. Temples ARE looking much better than baseline however, and new hair growth is still visible at temples, and all along widows peak, making widows peak broader, and temples less pronounced. Peach fuzz, especially at base of hairline, is now a dense fuzz of up to 3cm long vellous hairs.

Crown has made great progress, it's almost entirely thickened up, I'm extremely happy with it at this point. Two swirls are very clearly defined, and only spots where scalp is still visible is the center of these swirls, and the little "bridge" that connects the two. It used to be more or less a big gap of missing hair, was almost looking like a bald spot. I can no longer pull out any hairs with a light p ull test either, whereas 2 months ago a light pull would pull 4-5 hairs at a time out of the crown.

Vertex area has made great strides as well, the area right in front of my crown used to be significantly thinner than the rest of my head, very noticable when hair was wet. This area is now more or less matching density with the rest of the top of my head, although scalp is still SLIGHTLY more visible on occassion there when my hair is wet. Could also be a result of my crown anyway, but again, I'm happy with the progress made here.

Overall, after getting a haircut, it's easy for me to realize that my hair has made great strides. LIke I said in a previous post, my hair is still not where I want it to be, and it may never be, but it's definitely improved. Quality, density, everything seems to have improved. My hair seems fuller, has more volume, generally my hair always looks puffy and bouncy and alive. No more dead and frizzy hairs since the haircut either. When wet and flat, my hair looks fully dense, and my hair is only about 3 inches long. When wet and spiked about, it looks to match density with the sides of my head, which is a good milestone, but the back of my head is still winning. Somewhere in between these two densities would be my goal, and I'd OBVIOUSLY be happiest to match density with the back :) Ontop of this, my hair is much darker ontop, and is no longer a lighter hazelnutty color, it's a darker brown again.

Also, my sheds have all stopped, I lose a "normal" amount of hair now each day, maybe 20-30 that I notice, compared to the 100-200 of about a few weeks ago.

My regimen is a purely finasteride and nizoral one, and I've been taking it easy with the nizoral lately, once a week for a bit to let my hair recover. overall, I'd say I'm making great recoveries, but it hasn't been without its downtimes. I had really crappy hair about a month or two ago, it seemed thinner than ever, but it appears to have bounced back since then. And that's it for my update, maybe a little long winded, but then again, it's my first full "monthly" update.

So good luck to all, and I wish you all the best!


Established Member
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great to f-ing hear that man.... ur situation sound rediculously like mine....im on month 2 and a half tho...hopefully ill be here in a month and a half sayin all the things u just said...gongrdulations and keep us posted

Molecular Help

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Deaner- weren't you quite unhappy with you situation a couple weeks ago? I remember you saying you were satisfied with your crown and some temple regrowth, but that overall your diffuse loss was actually more noticible than when you started.

You didn't say anything about that really in this update... do you think it looks better now because your haircut got rid of the frizzy lame hair? Or have you really had a lot of progress since then?>

I'm a week behind you on finasteride so your progress is interesting.

Molecular Halpo


Happy for you dean!

I´m at month Six and on the verge of taking back some of the things I said about regrowth - not doing it yet though :wink:

At month 4½ I was really not happy with the entire situation but at month six I´m starting to sense some hope.


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Molecular, that unhappiness was over a month ago or so. I was unhappy with the fact that my hair looked dead and frizzy as well, but this was all the tips of my hair it seems, because the haircut removed most of this deadness, and ever since then my hair has seemed darker, straighter, and healthier. There WAS a time though where my hair seemed much thinner than when I started, and I was very depressed during that stage. It's interesting to note that since starting my regimen, my hair is straightening out, and I'm having less and less kinked, wirey, and curly hairs in the mix.

Thanks for the responses guys, and that's great to hear that you're starting to get some hope back nesta! Good luck!


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you have some nice results, regrowth with no minoxidil and just finasteride seems it has been working great for you