40/40 myth?


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Seems most websites put 40% of the male population has hair loss by age 40.

So 60% of the male population doesn't have hair loss before 40? Hair loss is any recession or loss beyond the natural hair line, so say a Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, David Schwimmer. Really, how many people in their 30's do you know with their type of hair? I think that stat is way out of wack, count the # of guys with perfect hair at Bachelor parties you've gone to, I think it's closer to 20%.

hair mchair

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I imagine by "hairloss" they mean a Norwood 2 or above. Maybe Norwood 3 or above. I doubt they are counting guys with slight temporal recession, because that's not truly hairloss. In most cases, that's just an adult hairline.

The shedder

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Yeah, I think the 40/40 is a faulty gauge of male pattern baldness sufferers by age. I personally am 21 and out of my 20 "freinds" which i see occasionally the number of freinds with male pattern baldness is 3, including me. I think a better way of predicting male pattern baldness is going by genetics (male pattern baldness in your family history). The male pattern baldness gene is not present in some families but in my family is prevalent, sh*t.


what are "Bachelor parties" I am not sure we have them here in the UK?

I agree hair mchair it probably refers to obviously balding men as opposed to a liitle recesion or thinning.

hair mchair

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I once read that 12.5% of men between the ages of 18 and 29 are a Norwood 3V or above. I thought this was a more interesting statistic because it actually specifies the Norwood level that they are using as a cut-off point.