40 and wondering again!


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Hi guys!

As well all probably know, NOTHING can make hair-loss seem 'minor' when it's happening. AS such (I've been through it!) my empathy goes out to you guys going through it. Have been shaving/zero-clipping my remaining hair (very littel on top now) for about 6 years now. To be honest, as life's good (have a wonderful, gorgeous wife and amazing kiddie) and time's moved on, I've fortunately got past teh acceptance stage.

However.....I'm now considering if an hair transplant would be worth getting to bring back some self-esteem again (I know...middle-gae crisis!lol).

So - if I've almost none left on top (usual side and back stuff left!) is there any point? I mean, what should I expect? If anyone's any links relating to a guy with almsot nothing left on top, pre and post hair transplant, I'd be grateful for it!

As I say - regards to all the guys (and girls) out there going through this. No point in patronising - it's a b**ch! But don't let it ruin your life folks.

Cheers and have a good life and may your god go with you (by whatever name you call Him).



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Hasson and Wong have created heads of hair which you would not really consider balding, who had nothing left on top prior to the surgery.

how would you rate your density on the back and the sides? How's your hair when grown out, curly, straight, thick/thin?

check out this:
http://hassonandwong.com/patient_galler ... eneral.php


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It all depends on your expectations and individual characteristics. Pics would be helpful to give a better opinion of your options.
But as mentioned above for someone with a high degree of hairloss Hassan and Wong are the most experienced and produce the best results.


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Thanks Gents. Will check out the H & W link etc. Will post pics on here asap too.

Info appreciated. Have a great weekend when it's here!
