.5 mg finasteride daily


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Anyone have experince with this level dosage.

I started propecia recently and for my level of hairloss its probably overkill. Im 25 and have slight thinning in the crown and halfway between my crown and the front of my hair line (hair looks like its floating above my scalp in these areas). There is no loss on the temple area.

Because my hair is still cosmetically manageable my goal is to prevent further loss.

I havent had any side effects with the full dose. Im just wondering if half dosage will be effective and safer than full dosage.


edit: after searching the forums (something i should have done first) i found serveral simailr threads to this one. Sorry for the redundant post. I will be switching to a micro dose of either .25 or .5 mg daily. If anyone would like a followup on results, lemme know and ill post them later.


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I'd definitely like a follow up. I am on propecia for eight months now and the loss has been severe. I've lost one side of my hair in the front and it's thinned drastically, so I cut back to .5. I'm very sensitive to anti dht stuff. I've chosen to shave my head, but I'd like to think that all of the money and time I've invested in treatments would pay off at some point instead of just making me totally bald.

Most guys do fine on Propecia, so don't go by me and my experience, by the way.

Kevin fretwell

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If you would read the trials on finasteride you would realize your wasting your time with application of .5mg finasteride . If your going to do that you might as well try dutasteride at about .1mg .


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I have read the trials. What specifically in the trials makes you think .5mg is a waste of time?


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helpmefindmyhair said:

I have read the trials. What specifically in the trials makes you think .5mg is a waste of time?

I also read the trial.. my interpritation was that even .2 mg is somewhat effective. plz elaborate Kevin.
