.5 mg Propecia....


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What is the opinion of the board regarding taking .5 mg Propecia (for the first 3-4 months) to observe side-effects, etc. I have very mild hairloss and was hoping that .5 mg initially would help me transition onto the medicine...and be cheaper as well.

Is there benefit from taking this much? I would assume so, as DHT levels have to go down. I really cannot afford side-effects in the state I am in, so I was hoping to ease myself onto it. Thanks.


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uncertain said:
What is the opinion of the board regarding taking .5 mg Propecia (for the first 3-4 months) to observe side-effects, etc. I have very mild hairloss and was hoping that .5 mg initially would help me transition onto the medicine...and be cheaper as well.

Is there benefit from taking this much? I would assume so, as DHT levels have to go down. I really cannot afford side-effects in the state I am in, so I was hoping to ease myself onto it. Thanks.

A new study done in Japan has shown that even 0.2mg Finasteride are about as effective as 1mg. So 0.5mg is fine. If you want to save money. Proscar is a cheap alternative.



Experienced Member
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all depends on what you want. if you want the maximum benefits of the drug, try 1.0 mg first, see how sides pan out for you. you can always decrease later. if money is the big issue, go with proscar. if you have your heart set on getting the brand name "propecia" AND want to save money, sure go with the .5mg, its probably just as effective.



New Member
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I'm in the same boat as you, probably going to go .5mg also...


Established Member
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see my sig below. I believed .5mg is fine. I am JUST starting male pattern baldness (about norwood 1 for 10 yrs...its finally starting to move though)