Is 5% minoxidil once a day as effective as 2 times a day? I absolutely need to reduce my dosing while still being able to cover my whole head. So, should I just go once a day and apply all over?
It's not going to matter much but it may be slightly less effective than using twice a day. By far the more important factor will be the total amount. If you need to do the entire head in one sitting to ensure you have it completely covered, and if it takes a day's worth of minoxidil to do that, then you'll have to do it once per day rather than twice.
By the way, someone suggested tapering... with the side effects you got, I think you should either stop using minoxidil entirely or immediately drop to a much lower level. I wouldn't take time and taper, you need to get most or all of that minoxidil out of your system asap.
I'm not a doctor but I play one on TV.
I feel ya man. I can't stop using it... but I will use a lot less. Thanks man
For whatever its worth, I hear you about the recommended amt. per day being low. I use a little more than double. I use the liquid, and do not do the entire head, but only the vertex and hairline. And I do it in one application, at night.
How much do you apply now?
4-5 times the recommended amount. Before I was applying probably 20 times.
OffYou should cut it in half. I'm sorry to say that, but you absolutely should. It would still be double the recommended amount.
Yetti, you are using minoxidil for like 2 years so yours hairs still strong?
Nicewhats "off"?
yeah, strong i think. i think im definitely above baseline on my hairline, and probably slightly above baseline on the vertex. no finasteride... that said, im in my 40s and the rate of balding was/is relatively slow. but anyway yeah its definitely helped a lot. i was balder 2 years ago.![]()
I wanted to say "Off topic".
You should cut it in half. I'm sorry to say that, but you absolutely should. It would still be double the recommended amount.
Just want to cover my whole head. If I can do it in less I will. It's impossible to use 3/4 a cap for the whole head
Yeah, I just using minoxidil too... finasteride give me sides
How about you Mr. Portugal? You use only 1ml, 1x a day and its effective? Thats great... liquid or foam? What brand? Are you also taking finasteride, or anything else? For how long have you been on minoxidil?