5 month mark on finasteride, will I bounce back? Need some support!


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Well I've hit the 5 month mark and my diffuse thinning is still looking bad. I know, I know, I need to give it a year or so...but this is sooooo depressing.
Before I went on finasteride (proscar 1/4 every day) my hair was thinning all over, but only noticable on close examination...I mean it was thinning for sure, but if I went out people wouldn't think I was going bald automatically.

After I started finasteride it got worse and worse....I'm hoping it was just a shed, and NOT more agressive hairloss! I'm hoping right now those hairs that shed are just dormant, waiting to grow....not sure how long that takes, but it's my hope and I'm sticking to it. If not, I guess my hairloss is just getting super aggressive!

My hair is shaved to a #3 on top, and #1-#2 on back/sides. It looks better, but even with this I need to put some couvre on top to hide my diffuse thinning now.

I think I'm freaking out more and more by reading posts from people that have used finasteride talking about getting great regrowth after 3-4 months.
I mean, at this stage I'd be happy with what I had before I started finasteride, much less extra growth! It's the whole WHY ME factor.

Can anyone else that has gone through this chime in and offer some more hope for me? This is really starting to get to me. Some days I'm ok, other days I just obsess over it. Every day I always check my hair, paranoid that my hairloss is visible. I HATE sunlight...I keep thinking someone is looking at my hair thinking "why does that dude put paint in his hair???"

I need to hear from people that have gone through this and bounced back.


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I got absolutely no regrowth after 4 months. I actually didn't see good results until Months 8-10, after which I hit another shed. I am currently coming up on Month 13 and the shed stopped, and I still am not noticeable. I am a diffuse thinner too.


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Genki I am in the same boat as you.. I'm coming towards month 7 now and still haven't bounced back.. I went through a 3 month shed which ended at the end of June. Since starting I've lost atleast 30%-40% of the hair i had since starting. I am seriously thinking about uping my dose to 1.25mg instead of just 1mg.

I actually didn't see good results until Months 8-10, after which I hit another shed. I am currently coming up on Month 13 and the shed stopped, and I still am not noticeable. I am a diffuse thinner too.

So if you didn't have regrowth.. did your lose ground douggie?


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Shed a ton around month 6, by month 10 my hair was looking quite phat, shed for a while, and now I am back where I was when I started, but I just finished an even nastier shed so that is a good thing. I am thinking I will be even better than I was at month 10 in about 2 months.


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Thanks for the response guys, I'll keep everyone posted on my progress. I hope I bounce back SOON! I think I read more hairs shed during summer so I can't wait until the days of summer are over! LOL =)