5 month updated


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Hello people. Currently I am in my 5th month of finasteride. Before My hair looked like it was thinning, but now there is a very noticeable bald spot about 2 inchess wide. Any thoughts? I smoke alot of hyrdo, could this be a possibility?

Ive decided to reduce my dosage to about .5 mg. SHould this affect it?


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nohairnodandruff said:
Hello people. Currently I am in my 5th month of finasteride. Before My hair looked like it was thinning, but now there is a very noticeable bald spot about 2 inchess wide. Any thoughts? I smoke alot of hyrdo, could this be a possibility?

Ive decided to reduce my dosage to about .5 mg. SHould this affect it?

why would you reduce your dosage if you wernt seeing results?

I doubt smoking weed will cause you to lose your hair.

i'd go back to 1mg daily. and maybe add other products?? possible taht your not a responder to propecia?


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Well, since i've seen studies of people using .2 mg and still seeing pretty good results, so I reduced the dosage to try to get the same affect, but to reduce the side effects. I just added minoxidil to my regimen.


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I too am on month 5, or will be in a week, and my hair does look slightly worse. I think it was due to an male pattern baldness shed and then a treatment shed, because now my hair feels healthier and I appear to be losing less good hairs and my hair feels healthier. Of course it is not easy to quantify and prove such statements, but at least I feel better about my current situation.

How does your remaining hair look and feel? If it looks good and feels good I suggest you get back on the higher dose. There is little need to change things this early in the game


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Guys - 5 months is just the beginning of the Propecia Regimen. You should know this by now. You should not be expecting results until you've reached the 8 to 12 month mark. You are still in the shedding phase range and your hair is going to look better, and worse, and better, and worse until you've leveled off at the 1 year mark.

Propecia 101. Basic stuff guys! Do not modify your dosage unless you are experiencing side effects that are intolerable. Many guys did not see results at 0.5mg and lower, despite what the study showed.

Pick a regimen and stick with it for at least 12 months. The more you change things up, the more you will shed, and the longer it will take you to see results.



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Okay, sounds like good advice. Before though, I did not have a bald spot. Within 1 month of taking it there was a noticeable bald spot, and then 5 months its like an inch to 2inch bald spot in diameter. Does this usually grow back?


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yeah it grows back but at a price.... your dick falls off

p.s. you spelled masturbation wrong


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nohairnodandruff said:
Okay, sounds like good advice. Before though, I did not have a bald spot. Within 1 month of taking it there was a noticeable bald spot, and then 5 months its like an inch to 2inch bald spot in diameter. Does this usually grow back?

Hang in there things should only get better, goodluck and keep us updated