5 months on propecia


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So i've been on propecia for 5 months and my hair has kept well and it feels stronger and thicker. I have a feeling that I gained weight from it though and I know that it can be a side effect... does anyone know how long that propecia would continue to do that? is it just temporary?


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Not sure buddy but I'm experiencing the same thing. I'm at the end of month three and I've put on a sizable amount of weight. Hope this doesn't keep up because I'll be fat by summer.

too bald too furious

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Thinneritgoes! said:
So i've been on propecia for 5 months and my hair has kept well and it feels stronger and thicker. I have a feeling that I gained weight from it though and I know that it can be a side effect... does anyone know how long that propecia would continue to do that? is it just temporary?

Good to hear 8)
You are responding positively on Finasteride.
Just wait until you reach the 1 year mark. :hairy:


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WEight gain!? That's strange, never heard of that thus far...

Try cutting out the pasta, white rice, and white bread! That should take care of the weight gain.

White grains badddd, whole.brown grains gooood :)


if youre so worried about gaining weight then go to the gym


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After I started Propecia, I gained around 10 pounds from month 0 - 3. I'm at 4.5 now and it has all dropped off and then some. Thats prolly not good for me though because im pretty skinny as it is.

The weight gain, like all the side effects, will yo-yo for a while. Keep it up and good luck.


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I'm thinking i may of put on weight, although I couldn't be sure at uni my weight goes up and down all the time.


is weight gain really listed as a side effect of this drug?


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worried said:
After I started Propecia, I gained around 10 pounds from month 0 - 3. I'm at 4.5 now and it has all dropped off and then some. Thats prolly not good for me though because im pretty skinny as it is.

The weight gain, like all the side effects, will yo-yo for a while. Keep it up and good luck.

It's been a pretty steady increase in weight for me since starting Propecia. Granted, I also lift weights heavily and I've heard that Propecia works like steriods in the sense that you might put on more muscle mass if you hit the gym.


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I did gain a few pounds when I got on propecia but I think it was more the fact that I was less active in my life at that that time. You may want to start working out or run. It's good for your health and you will loss weight from doing that.