5 Months Post Operation, Infection? Please Help.


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I have every intention of introducing myself and becoming an active member of the forum at a later time. For now i would like some input with a problem i am having.

I had my 3rd hairline strip transplant done 5 months ago(it was a nightmare) and i fear there is an ongoing infection.

As with every transplant ive suffered through i developed pimples and painful boils within the first month as i expected.
The problem this time around is they keep coming and take months to heal.
Ive had easily 20 of them thus far. Some i am able to pull coiled hair free to relieve the pain. Others pop white puss after a few weeks
The ones im most concerned about are those that sit right on the hairline and are very painful to the touch.
I have 2 currently that dont have a visible head or coiled hair.
They are causing swelling,headaches and shooting nerve pain. The pain and swelling covers several inches of my scalp.

I consulted with the surgeon and he gave me an antibiotic topical (that seems to do nothing) and instructed me to do as i have done and free the coiled hairs when i can.

I know this is not normal. I will not consult with him again. I am waiting to feel better before bringing the fight to his doorstep as this transplant has failed like the other two. My goal is a full refund or to drive them out of buisness. But that is another story for another time. ;)


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Were all 3 of your transplants done by this surgeon?


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Yes. I was very young the first time around and they filled my head with all kinds of false promises.
The second transplant was comp'ed because they admittedly didnt do a good job. The third was given at a discount.
I highly regret starting this entire procedure.
I am very worried about this infection. It has brought on terrible headaches, fatigue etc.
However at this point the best any doctor will do is prescribe a topical antibiotic.


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Usually the red spots are a sign that hair is starting to emerge again. You have to take care of them while they are small, and that means either scraping off the top of it or popping it like a zit. I once let one get away and it grew as big as a quarter in size.


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They never appear as popable pimples.
Its starts as a sore spot. Almost feels like a bruise. Within a day or two a boil emerges.
Squeezing or piercing with a needle only draws out blood.
The area around the boil, in aprox a 1"x1" area, then becomes red and slightly squishy and very painful.
The most recent one which is very very painful emerged right beside a minor one that i popped and drained two days ago.

Its so frustrating because even if they are just hairs emerging under tough skin, the coverage will never be what i expected.
The doctor that did the surgery will swear an oath that this is what it is and lots of growth will follow.
This is my third. I know what to expect.

Im $10,000 deep into this and very very unhappy. I sick of dealing with the procedure problems and the company that did it.


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Im now 6 months post op and didnt have any boils for a week or so. I wake up this morning and now i have 2.
This nightmare will never end.

I have an appointment soon to discuss these awful results with the owner of hairfax.
It will take everything in my power not to wrap my hands around his throat.